Wing Chun Testimonials


Master of Arts
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
London, United Kingdom
Does anyone have any youtube links of celebrities talking about wing chun?
When I say celebrities, I merely mean people who would be known to the average joe

For example Robert Downey Jr recently gave an interview where he mentioned wing chun (bil gee! bil gee!)

Any clips would be handy - please post the URL's on here or send to my PM

I know that several celebrities train or have trained in wing chun - Richard Blackwood, Bobby Davro, etc (if You're not British, you might not know who they are)

Happy hunting!!!
I only know of Robert Downey jr and thats only because I saw pictures of him training with William Cheung , anyway what did he have to say about Bil Gee ?
I read an interview with Downey when Iron Man was in preproduction...I think in Men's Fittness or Men's Health (somethig alomg those lines). He trains Wing Chun twice a day most days as well as some type of Tai Chi. It is part of his sobriety plan.

I really like the job he did as Tony Stark in Iron Man. Simply a great actor that is very versatile and underated!
Didn't know about Downey training WC :) I don't have any videos or testimonials but Stevan Seagals Was sopposedly trained in WC by his bodygourd Randy Williams. And I think you can see that in the way he applies his Aikido. I'm almost sure I have seen him do Bong Saos and chainpucnhes in his Aikido 6th dan(or something) test. You even got youtube videos where the guys disect his movies to show you WC techniques and some similarities are pretty exact!
I didn't know Randy Williams was Steven Segals bodyguard. Thats pretty impressive

As for the Downey interview, it was a bit embarrassing and cringeworthy. Think of all those times when you try and explain wing chun to your workmates and friends. Robert Downey Jr basically tried to do that to a laughing audience. Eeek. Its better that you watch it than me try and explain it
Oh wow! Hot chicks like Wing Chun too!!! (Sorry it's not a video Kamon, but she does have the prettiest eyes in Hollywood IMHO :ultracool)

Cameron Diaz....


Cameron Diaz >> “I practices Wing Chun, a type self-defense martial arts skill like kung fu. This exercise is particularly good to strengthen the legs and tightened the butt. However, actually wearing high heels ever too often has already trained my legs more than enough.”
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I just saw a clip of Robert Downey Jr. training in WC. I believe it was originally from Oprah. Naturally, now that I'm trying to find it I can't. I'll see what I can turn up.

How cute is that :) In the comments they say he trains in William Cheungs original version.
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My god! how cool! The celebrities are getting into Wing Chun? I could swear Segal has been training WC along with other kung fu styles. I've seen him do chi sau "fight scenes" in a couple of his newer movies.

I didn't know Cameron Diaz was into WC or Robert Downey Jr. I guess WC is spreading it's wings. (pun intended.) :)
And people are finally getting exposed to it on a broader scale.
Does anyone have any videos where any celebrities are stating they have some experience with Wing Chun?

My god! how cool! The celebrities are getting into Wing Chun? I could swear Segal has been training WC along with other kung fu styles. I've seen him do chi sau "fight scenes" in a couple of his newer movies.

I didn't know Cameron Diaz was into WC or Robert Downey Jr. I guess WC is spreading it's wings. (pun intended.) :)
And people are finally getting exposed to it on a broader scale.
Besides the one I posted? No, I don't have any. There are videos on youtube about Steven Seagal and WC. In none of the he states he trained it(you can probably read that on his wikipedia page or on R.W.-s homepage) but he does a lot of stuff we do in WC.
Sifu Hubbie thinks the knows who trains Steven Seagal WT. :)
Chainpunching! Woot!

I still say he mixes WT with Aikido.
Into the Sun total WT at 3:00 minutes. Chi Sau IS battle! Wootney Woot!

I see heel kick, chainpunching and palm strike to the body.

I see wu sau and man sau at 40 seconds....

What's all this closequarters striking?

Seems like he's a true Mixed Martial Artist: Akido, Tai Chi, and Wing Chun.

Who's that, Mook? could be. Won't say who we think it is. :) That would be telling.... ;)
Sometimes though all styles interelate...could be he is doing Fukien Karate or something...which looks very similiar to WC and White Crane?
LOL! no!
We've been through this before. :) I know there are similarities from one art to another, but I don't useually see such glaring similarities as this.
The movie Into the Sun is a good one, he's all into the Chinese culture and martial art kick in that one. Out for a Kill too, but he seems to do more Tai Chi in that one.
Except for the one scene where he's straight up doing Chi sau with a bad guy. Can't find that one on the web, and I can't remember which movie it's in!
He's fighting a chinese gangster who's all Kung Fu in a small room, and there are like 30-45 seconds of pure Chi Sau, stance work, tan sau, bong sau, trapping, latching, all stuff Sifu Hubbie's teaching me now. He's so fast you can't hardly catch what he's doing, but it's very clearly WT chi Sau.
I promise! lol!
Sometimes though all styles interelate...could be he is doing Fukien Karate or something...which looks very similiar to WC and White Crane?

Well, WC came from white crane and possibly snake too, right? Ng Mui watched a "crane" and a "snake" fighting and got the ideas for WC. Isn't that one of the myths.
Maybe it was a crane kung fu stylist and a snake kung fu stylist, and the animals were emphasized more over the years?
Maybe it was a crane kung fu stylist and a snake kung fu stylist, and the animals were emphasized more over the years?

Ha! Interesting... I never thought of it that way! Very possible in my opinion.