Wing Chun page with som video clips

  • Thread starter Thread starter fist of fury
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I think you're the only Wing Chunist, and the only only
Wang Chunist. Damn, you gotta stop listening to that band

I just tried the link... it went to a lycos 'under destruction' page.


I'm looking at getting back into my studies of WC soon. Anyone have any other pages with video clips?

Arigato. :asian:
Thanks! :)

Its hard to find anyone in WNY doing it (so far), so its gonna mostly be a self study bit. Not the best way, but for the moment, I'm looking for some basics and info. Perhaps it will lead to more. I dunno. Just was fun when I could do it, and wouldn't mind learning more.
How much did you learn previously? Was it under a real instructor or self-study?

I think it's a neat system--small and with a very clear fighting strategy. I'd love to learn more about it. In training JKD I do get a flavor of it of course.
Took about 8 weeks or so under a qualified instructor. I was doing Kenpo at the time, and it was a side program the school started. I was just getting up to speed, and then got the eyes zapped. I lost contact with the instructor shortly afterwards. The program was discontinued shortly afterwards due to time issues, and I haven't been able to locate another WC instructor since then. I heard from him recently so, theres possibly a chance to get back into the swing of things again. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I heard from him recently so, theres possibly a chance to get back into the swing of things again.

Good luck with that! I'll push you to show me some stuff when I'm in Buffalo next month for the camp. What lineage was your instructor?
Sadly, I don't remember. Its been a while since I've spoken with him. Hopefully, I'll make contact b4 then. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Hopefully, I'll make contact b4 then.

Yes, do it! Mr. Hartman will tell you, when I say I'll be pumping you for information, I mean that I'm bringing thumbscrews and the cat-o-nine-tails! I'll be looking to you to teach me Sil Lum Tao.
Originally posted by arnisador

Yes, do it! Mr. Hartman will tell you, when I say I'll be pumping you for information, I mean that I'm bringing thumbscrews and the cat-o-nine-tails! I'll be looking to you to teach me Sil Lum Tao.
If you learn that form but don't practice Wing Chun as your base art you'll go to hell:D
Originally posted by fist of fury

If you learn that form but don't practice Wing Chun as your base art you'll go to hell:D

Well, I learned that form and don't practice Wing Chun as a base art. Not in hell yet...waitaminute...I live in Florida. NOOOOooooooooo! :D

I don't practice TKD, but I learned Koryo as well. Does that mean I get double time in hell? :D Oh wait, I've also learned Pinan forms and Jion, and I don't practice Shotokan. Man, my afterlife is gonna suck ;)

Originally posted by Cthulhu

Well, I learned that form and don't practice Wing Chun as a base art. Not in hell yet...waitaminute...I live in Florida. NOOOOooooooooo! :D

I don't practice TKD, but I learned Koryo as well. Does that mean I get double time in hell? :D Oh wait, I've also learned Pinan forms and Jion, and I don't practice Shotokan. Man, my afterlife is gonna suck ;)


You're right you're really gonna burn.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Hells warmer than Buffalo, so, wheres the downside? :D

You'll be surrounded by mcdojo's for eternity:eek:
This is gonna be with thumbscrews on, trying to teach something I never mastered, from a book with typos. :)

Hey, am I ready to open my own McDojo or what? :D

(Must find email address of Sifu....)

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