Why you should always use proofreading


Master of Arts
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Helsinki, Finland
A really minor Finnish celebrity showing a tattoo she designed herself


  • $englannintaitoiset_salarakkaat_ry.jpg
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WOW! I can't even figure out what the first line is supposed to say.
See, THIS is why I hesitate to have ANY kanji translated by ANYBODY tattooed on my bod.
punisher73 said:
WOW! I can't even figure out what the first line is supposed to say.
I'm guessing it was meant to be "where there is will, there is a road," but it looks like "there were is mill, there is a road" to me. She should've stuck with "Where there's a will, there's a way!" I'd say.
arnisador said:
I'm guessing it was meant to be "where there is will, there is a road," but it looks like "there were is mill, there is a road" to me.
Here's what it says in her self-designed tattoo


She should've stuck with "Where there's a will, there's a way!" I'd say.

It is quite obvious that her skills in english are, to put it politely, somewhat lacking :rolleyes:
See, with my luck, my fears will come true and my tattoo artists will write in chinese calligraphy, "I'm a stupid white chick - kill my *** now!" instead of "Courage to love, courage to kill."

Hard to empathize, really.
hmm. Adding a bright shiney belly button post to bring your attention right there probably wasn't the best idea either...:rolleyes: