Why women have two hands

s'ok. :)
(Hey, we're having a special, see the announcements forum for details. :) )
email it to me. If it's too big, it won't go up. I can see about shrinking it to fit.
Um.....based on the thread title, I'm not sure this pic was ever meant to be posted.
its been a really long time. I have a joke about women.

Why do women generally have smaller feet than men?
(i am going to get slapped by a feminist here)
so they can get closer to the kitchen counter.
kid said:
its been a really long time. I have a joke about women.

Why do women generally have smaller feet than men?
(i am going to get slapped by a feminist here)
so they can get closer to the kitchen counter.

That's not a joke it's the truth. :rofl:
Husband: I want to go somewhere on holiday this year I've never been before.
Wife: Well, how about the kitchen?

Q: What is a man's idea of helping with the housework?
A: Lifting his leg so you can vacuum.
Swordlady said:

Q: What is a man's idea of helping with the housework?
A: Lifting his leg so you can vacuum.

SEE! Don't say we never do anything around the house...
Men dont help around the house cause they suffer from domestic blindness:)
Okay, while we're still waiting for this picture...

A woman wakes during the night and finds her husband sitting at the kitchen table deep thought. She watches as he wiped a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee.
"What's wrong, dear?, Why are you down here at this time of night?".
The husband looks up from his coffee, "Do you remember when we were dating, and you were only 16?" he asks solemnly.
"Yes I do" she replies.
The husband paused. The words were not coming easily. "Do you remember when your father caught us making love?
"Yes, I remember" said the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him. The husband continued. "Then when he shoved a shotgun in my face and said, “Marry my daughter or I will send you to jail for 20 years?"
"I remember that too" she replied softly.
He wiped another tear from his cheek and said. "I would’ve gotten out today."
I got this in an email. But I don'tknow if I can post the pictures.
If a mod wants to contact me I will forward it for approval and you can post it.
Swordlady said:
Husband: I want to go somewhere on holiday this year I've never been before.
Wife: Well, how about the kitchen?

HEY! *I* go to the Kitchen a LOT!

It's where I keep my beer!
heh, in keeping with the feel of the thread....um...Why dont women need watches?

Cause there is a clock on the oven.

*ducks for cover*


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