Who's on 1st?



Just wondering what rank I hold in the Modern Arnis world.

I have an IMAF certificate from Professor which made me 2nd degree in 1999. In 2001, when I visited the Prof. in Vancouver, he promoted me to tatlo, witnessed only by the esteemed Renegade. However, under the stingy Renegade's school program, I am likah dalawa, or 2nd brown.

(Never could get that rotation pattern...) :cuss:

What do the current Modern Arnis organizations recognize?
Renegade? Moo? Anyone?
Hey Icepick,
I've had it explained to me many, many times and still don't know what my recognized rank is!! If you figure it out, please exlain it to me!

I need some answers!! :armed: :D

P.S. Hey Buddy, if you're a soooper heavyweight, what the hell does that make me!?:cheers:
That makes you Cattle. :rofl:

The "sooperheavyweight" label comes from my failure to make my hoped for weight class at the last BJJ tourney I fought in. Now, everyone jokes about grappling the "fat guy", even though I am nowhere near the biggest guy in class.
Must...not...eat...5th...slice...of...pizza! :D

- Kyle
Aw, what the hell...

Icepick, I hereby certify you as a 10th degree chain belt in every martial art that ever existed.

Hey Icepick,
Lets see, The Prof. gave you one rank and Tim IGNORED that and gave you something different. Does this mean that Tim thinks he knows more than Remy? To cast aside Remys authority seem a bit ARROGANT, no? :boing2: WooHoo...............come and get me Timmy.......HeeHee.............:samurai: :uzi: :flame: :armed: :moon:
I hope this doesnt't get you in trouble Nosepick> :D
In all seriousness...

If there is this mixup, then the only person who can truly rank you is you. Do you feel as if you know the same material as the majority of other 3rd or 2nd degrees? Then again, if you're actually a student in Renegade's school, then it's his rules. If you're just using his curriculum as a guideline, then it's:

a) up to you, as stated above
b) or up to whatever organization you choose to join up with, if at all.

or c) flip a coin: heads, 2nd brown; tails, 2nd Black; lands on its edge, 3rd black :D
Obviously you were not at my holidays party. I issued the first set of certificates for the WMAA. Black belt certificate #001 was awarded to Kevin Black (Icepick) for his 3rd degree black belt. On my last visit to see Remy I made a certificate up for Remy to sign. Unfortunatly he was not physically able to do so. I told Kevin this and he said that he would settle for one with my signature on it.

I contracted Ed Parker Jr. to design the WMAA certificates. They arrived the week of our party and we debuted them at our function. You can ask Kevin how they are, words can't do them justice!!!!

As far as the rank that I give in my school, that is for me to decide and no one else.

In light of Renegade's last post:


I have to agree : Congrats! From what I've heard, very much deserved.

Regarding the certificates : I saw them at the party, and must say, they are fine artwork. You don't tape these to the wall, you get them lovingly and professionally framed. Ed Parker Jr. is a very talented artist, and these are masterpieces.

As far as ranks went in the IMAF, I felt that Kevin was underrated. I feel that he can bang with any of the MOTTs.

Our goal for the Michigan 2001 camp was to have Kevin do Tapi-Tapi with Jeff D so Remy could see. It's a shame it never happened, but I can imagine that Jeff would be the guest of honor at a piñata party!

Relax. In case you didn't see the "smiles", I was playing with you. And why do you feel the need to compare Kevin with the MOTT's? Kevin could probably bang sticks with anyone. This includes you and I. And DUH, of course you do ever you want to in your school. So can I. So can Kenny. So can anyone who runs their own school. Good grief, so touchy. Are you really as defensive as you sound? You shouldn't be. :)
Who says I'm not relaxed. I think you have me mixed up with some one else.
I must have forgotten. You never get tense. :p
Thanks for the congrats, guys!

The certificate is AWESOME! What's even cooler, is that I inherited my office at work from the office manager, Helen. For 3 years now, I have not bothered to remove the print that Helen chose to hang on the wall. The print is an idyllic scene, with two young girls in dresses, gliding along in a rowboat, with a young lady holding a parasol. Several others at my firm have noted that the painting doesn't REALLY go with the katana set I have mounted on the wall behind my desk. Well, at last, there will be some consistency, as I am removing the boaters in favor of Mr. Parker's work.
Cthulhu -

Am I really 10th degree in Tea Boo? I think Mr. Blanks owes me some SERIOUS royalties!!!:D
Yeah, but Mr. Blanks certificates are made with napkins and felt tip markers. And are worth far less than the cost of the materials. :D

Congratulations Icepick! A noteworthy achievement. I also have seen the certificates and they are great.

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