Which wing chun channels on youtube can you recommend?

Thanks for the recommendations.

Personally I'd rather like a system which also includes useful techniques from other styles simply to become as complete as possible.

But a simply set of defense techniques for different situations doesn't really seem interesting to me. Maybe it's good but it's not as interesting
as learning a system.
To the OP's point I like Izzo BUT I also study Wing Chun in person with a good Sifu. What I like about Izzo is that rl fighting can be VERY dynamic. Training can be to, don't get me wrong, but it is a different dynamic, sparring with people learning your art, you need total control so as to not hurt each other vs being in an adrenaline high fueled real fight with a brawler who wants to hurt you on the street. Izzo takes Wing Chun and then shows you the down and dirty applications of it that work best on the street.

Now some people don't like him because he does "down and dirty" it in the videos. However he and I come from the same "head space", namely Law Enforcement, and while not pretty his application of Wing Chun techniques are damn effective in street encounters BUT, imo, only if you are studying Wing Chun already.

Basically Wing Chun is like your History 101, 201, 301 classes for a History Major in College. Izzo is your elective in "street fighting application". In this analogy he is your class focusing on Renaissance Italian History. Unless you have all the 101-301 classes you can't really understand the real significance/application of the elective.

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