Where can I find quality Hapkido in San Diego California?


Master Black Belt
Dec 10, 2008
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The art is very interesting to me, I have trained in American Kenpo for 15 years, Muay Thai for several years, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for about 3 1/2
Curious to find a quality instructor of Hapkido to discuss the art with.
In Encinitas (sp?) of San Diego county there is a Hapkido master. His name is Grand Master Moo Young Kang. I spoke with him over the phone a few times and I met the head instructor of his school, Jim Eliot. I watched a class and I got a very good vibe from it. To top it off they are very kind.

The website is mykhapkido.com
Highly, Highly second that recomendation! Grand Master Moo Young Kang equals quality Hapkido instruction.

Dave O.
Please note Grand Master Moo Young Kang, updated website at www.sandiegohapkido.com , currently located in Solana Beach. He is simply one of the great masters living, he trained in Hapkido with Ji Han Jae and has been teaching for over 40 years.
I wish you luck in finding a good school with a good instructor. That is important with any martial art.

Hapkido is a little different in that while there is a lot of grappling, unlike the popular belief about BJJ, you are never taught to go to the ground for defense (I have been told non-competition BJJ is the same, but I don't really know). There are also throws, kicks, strikes, blocks of course, and pressure points. There must be emphasis on speed and accuracy, as you generally move into the attack. I expect with your prior training, you will find it useful, and will enjoy it.