When the unthinkable strikes your school

Carol, I'm so sorry that these came close to you. It is heartbreaking.
What did the schools actually do (instructors or parents or kids or all of them) ?? - if you know.
What's your perspective on the actions (if any that you know of) ?
Sadly, i have some experience here but i'd like to hear more from you about the response
you know of - what's tugging at you?
w/respect and concern

The young girl who was a home invasion victim survived her wounds (her mother did not), and received a ton of support from all around the community at large...even around the country I think. Someone from outside New England posted about her here on MT when it happened. Her father was out of town on business when it happened. The two of them have fought through it and gotten even closer. From what I understand she's doing fine in school and from time to time I see a race or something local to raise money for a scholarship fund.

The young boy is a different story. Some of my friends knew his murderer, including one who teaches at the school. I haven't asked for details.
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Right, but some people could still be consumed by guilt over it. If I were a Sifu, I couldn't help but think, "Damn...and I gave that person the ability to do those things." As I said before, there is no way a teacher can KNOW he is giving dangerous skills to a future killer. But still, I have a conscience so it would get to me.

When you consider the many things that martial artists are not. I guess omnipotent and omniscient are near the top of the list. So, it's reasonable to withhold teaching things to someone who is obviously a danger to others. But, barring any clues that this is so, I don't think an instructor should feel terribly guilty if a student uses the art inappropriately. You can only demonstrate and discuss the behavior you would like to see. You can't live some one else's life for them.
In my experience, people tend to move on with tragedy at their own pace. It's helpful to acknowledge the events and let others speak about it. Maybe as a teacher and a role model, it's useful to point out to the youngsters that life will continue, and that they are in no specific danger from such events. But then, let life proceed. I think we honor the dead most by living good lives, in the face of tragedy.