What's the deal??


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-MT Moderator-
I was an idiot... Didn't see the Kenpo section... Sorry for the stupid mikstake..
Well...there is an art or sub art based on biting...... :D
Ya know....thats a very good question.

I was wondering the same thing....

:confused: :confused:
The little I know about Junchnik,

He was a personel student of Mr. Mitose while he was in Fulsom prison. When I took some seminars with him he was either the head of close to the top of Kosho Ryu Kempo.

As for the seminars I figure as long as you come out of them with one or two good ideas to work then you got your money's worth.

Stole this from the net:

"Bruce Juchnik - Known as Hanshi Bruce Juchnik of Kosho Ryu Kempo, learned the philosophical (spiritual) aspects of Kosho Ryu from Great Grand Master James Mitose while he was in prison. Believes, that he is the gate keeper of the Mitose style, and has formed Sei Kosho Shorei Kai. "

Ahh... thank you. That connects a few dots in this puzzle.

I don't think he extracted all that much... I think he is just an opportunist looking for a signature. How much can you learn from an inmate in a short period of time. Where is the honor & character in learning an art from a convicted person ~ who would want to pass down or belong to a legacy of that nature.

Secrets.... everyone wants secrets.

Reality....... there ain't no easy way!

Have heard he is a real good technition, just a dick personally. He has a ton of videos, but seems alittle money motivated..
I have never heard of this guy either! Is someone able to elaborate a little more on his style? _(_)_ Tune
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I don't think he extracted all that much... I think he is just an opportunist looking for a signature. How much can you learn from an inmate in a short period of time. Where is the honor & character in learning an art from a convicted person ~ who would want to pass down or belong to a legacy of that nature.

Secrets.... everyone wants secrets.

Reality....... there ain't no easy way!


I would think prision would be a great place to learn martial arts if theres someone there that can teach the stuff, I dont neccasarily think some of those people have the right mental attitude to learn the arts, but where else do you have more time to put into practice, How long would it take someone to get the skill of a black belt if they started today but had 8 hours a day to work on everything. What was this guy convicted of, If he was in there for some white collar crime, or fraud or something of that nature i dont see a problem with him learning and teaching the arts, people make mistakes, not everyone is beyond rehabilitation. Maybe him learning the martial arts helped him to see the difference beteween right and wrong. We were not there we dont have right to pass judgement on anyone. Some say mitose was a great gentle man, some say mitose was a murderous thug out to extort money from people. Were you there, do you really know either way?

Originally posted by tunetigress
I have never heard of this guy either! Is someone able to elaborate a little more on his style?

From what I've read of the gentleman. He does have a legit kenpo background. I believe he rose to the rank of 3rd black in the Tracy system, and if I remember correctly he holds dan rankings in some more traditional systems as well. The story is that he trained with Mr.Mitose while he was a guard at Folsom.
Learning the Kosho Ryu way of Kempo, and eventually leaving the Tracy system. Mr.Mitose supposedly awarded Mr.Junich the top dawg title of the abovementioned system. Although there are two others (one being Mitose's son) with legit claims to this "style" that I know of. Now regarding martial arts training in prison. As far as I know is verboten through out the U.S. of A.'s penal system? I believe there are some on this forum who can give you greater insight into the Kosho Ryu system.I hope this was somewhat helpful?
Salute in Christ,
Donald :asian:
I have seen a couple of his videos. I don't think so! His reputation is severly mared.

I wouldn't recommend him for Kosho Ryu. He capitalized on Mitose who knows...however Proofs in The Pudding! A little sour I would say...


Dave Simmons
Twin Dragon Karate
He claims to be the head honcho of KoshoShorei Ryu Kempo....
That's right he feels he is the "gatekeeper" for Mitose. The only dilema is Mitose son Thomas is the rightful successor. All documented...

Bruce has his own thing...but not withthose who know the difference.


Dave Simmons:rofl: