What type of belt?


Green Belt
Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
norton, evesham.
On the long road to get your black belt what type of belt do you use as a colour tag belt?

For example yellow belt.... do you use a belt with a stripe through the middle or do you put your tags on to your own belts at the end?

Which do you prefer?
We use electrical tape to put stripes on belts for odd-numbered gup ranks. I prefer tape to buying new belts with stripes on them - it's not usually on there long enough to be a problem for most students, it can be easily replaced if lost, and it leaves more money for the class to buy supplies.
In our gym we get new colored belts after each promotion, but thats included in the test fee. We also use electrical tape but we use it to show that a student knows certain part of the quaterly material. For example: you challange for your pattern. This is sort of like a quiz infront of an instructor. If you perform well you get a blue stripe, indicating that you have learned your pattern well. After getting all stripes a student is elligible to test.
We get material to stich onto the end of the belts but we are also givern a belt with a stripe down the middle.

Are school is part of the UKTA who don't permit the use of the belts with the stripe down the middle are instuctor give us the belt almost like a trophy which we can use at his school but if we train in one of the other schools in the area we would have to use the standard style belts.