What to do for broken pinky toe?


Orange Belt
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Columbia, MD
I think that I broke my little toe spinning on it last night in class. It turned black and blue and is very sore when it flexes a certain way. It does not bother me at all walking, running, kicking with it, so I can keep going to class. I don't feel like having to pay a copay just to confirm that it has a little break in it so what can I do? Just tape it to the toe next to it?
Pour yourself a cocktail. :)

I break that toe 2-3 times a year. Not too much you can do for it. Just make sure the toe is straight. I usually tape it to the next toe.
Buddy-tape it. That's what the doc'll do.
My friend and instructor Dave broke his toe and mentioned it to me.

"I broke my toe."

"Well," I said, "what did the doctor say?"

"Why would I go to a doctor?" he asked.

"Uh... because you broke something?" I replied.

"Well, it's a broken toe," he said. "Can't do anything but wait for it not to be broken."

He taped it up, and that was that.
If it is a clean break, there isn't anything more for the doctor to do beyond what the others said (taping to the next toe). If it is a messy break (compound break with tearing of the skin and muscles, etc.,) then that is when a doctor should be seen for repair. I suggest you tape the toe.

- Ceicei
shesulsa said:
Buddy-tape it. That's what the doc'll do.

Yep..That's what mine did...Do it yourself and save money...
Tape it to it's next door neighbor, and leave it alone for 6 weeks. There. Just saved you a $450.00 visit to a urgicenter and x-rays.

Oh yeah...if it hurts, take some OTC's as directed on the bottle.

My underground, illegal preference for adjunct care: Rub some DMSO into it twice daily (AM, and at bedtime). Get the diluted stuff; less likely to peel skin, and just as effective as the pure (70/30 dilution).


I've broken my big toes about a half dozen times over the years - tear a cotton ball in half and insert the 1/2 cotton ball between the toes then wrap the toes in 1 layer of gauze and tape 'em up. This will help to prevent blisters/ discomfort - or you can go hardcore and just tape 'em together.
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Tape it to your next door neighbor, and leave it alone for 6 weeks. There. Just saved you a $450.00 visit to a urgicenter and x-rays.

Oh yeah...if it hurts, take some OTC's as directed on the bottle.

My underground, illegal preference for adjunct care: Rub some DMSO into it twice daily (AM, and at bedtime). Get the diluted stuff; less likely to peel skin, and just as effective as the pure (70/30 dilution).



what if you dont like your next door neighbor????? :rofl:

if it isnt facing in another direction than the other toes, tape it up.. :uhyeah:
I did a toe break, just taped it.

Probably should have had it looked at as 5 years later I still have no movement at all in that knuckle and a ton of pain on the slightest toe stubbing.
Andrew Green said:
I did a toe break, just taped it.

Probably should have had it looked at as 5 years later I still have no movement at all in that knuckle and a ton of pain on the slightest toe stubbing.

Crack it. Abruptly, and sharply, induce a full range of motion in the joint. It'l hurt like heck, go through the normal stages of healing that a sprain/strain does, but will also break up the myofibrosis that bridges the joint and restore motion. But it will hurt.

Advice for the personally sadistic,


PS -- yes, I've doen this on myself. Both big toes, and the "ring" toe and pinky toe on the right. Just got tired of walking funny.
Great, thanks, now after a night involving some drinks I will remember this and it will seem like a good idea ;)

I figure one day I'll get a doctor to look at it and do what they do, until then I just avoid walking into things barefoot :)
Davejlaw said:
I think that I broke my little toe spinning on it last night in class. It turned black and blue and is very sore when it flexes a certain way. It does not bother me at all walking, running, kicking with it, so I can keep going to class. I don't feel like having to pay a copay just to confirm that it has a little break in it so what can I do? Just tape it to the toe next to it?

Ouch, is it sore? I would see a doctor if I were you, just to be on the safe side, even though it is a broken toe.
Like every body else here I have broken toes. I somehow managed to break the same toe twice:uhyeah: All you can really do is tape it up and just be careful when you are training. Can be a real pain in the butt :)
Thanks everyone for the advice; I taped it up and it will be some time before that piggy goes to the market again...
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Crack it. Abruptly, and sharply, induce a full range of motion in the joint. It'l hurt like heck, go through the normal stages of healing that a sprain/strain does, but will also break up the myofibrosis that bridges the joint and restore motion. But it will hurt.

Advice for the personally sadistic,


PS -- yes, I've doen this on myself. Both big toes, and the "ring" toe and pinky toe on the right. Just got tired of walking funny.

I had my big toe broken once. After the initial sharp pain and the dull pain during the following few weeks, the toe then went numb and I could no longer move it. Eventually, I had to go see a doctor. All he injected was cortisone (or something like that) to break down the scar tissue around the nerves. Those shots (two of them) eventually took care of the problem, so feeling and motion came back. I think I prefer the shots better than re-breaking the toe.

- Ceicei
I've had two broken toes since I started Kenpo.

Only...neither had anything to do with Kenpo (doh...)

I've taped them up.

Vitamin C helps clear up the bruising.
Davejlaw said:
Thanks everyone for the advice; I taped it up and it will be some time before that piggy goes to the market again...

I think I re-broke my little toe when I fell off my chair laughing at that reply! So, yeah same as everyone else tape it until you think it doesn't need to be taped, then keep taping for 2 more weeks just to be sure.

When I broke mine, my instructor came over and said "What's wrong?"
Me: I think I broke my litle toe
Instructor: Are you sure

I then grabbed it near the nail and moved it so if formed a 90 degree angle. It was kinda cool looking! I then said "Yep I'm sure!"

It still has a weird bump, and whatever color my other toes are, the little one will be a litle different. Oh well, just keep kickin I guess!
I've broken a couple toes, and my mom (who broke hers a few years back and actually went to the dr for it) said that he told her there wasn't anything he could really do, but that you should alternate hot and cold packs because the changing temperature would increase blood flow to the area and accelerate healing. The cold also decreases inflammation, which is especially damaging.
You can't do anything for a broken toe...wear thick sturdy sole shoes (most suggest Doc Martins or similar work boot type of shoe NO FLIP FLOPS!!) and try taping your pinky to the next toe...also think about purchasing some martial arts shoes to prevent further toe injuries