What Religion??

I really don't have a "religion". Anything that is fixed and static will eventually be wrong because all things change. I have a lot of Buddhist values and I pray to Jesus. I have a basic structure of things but my views on things are constantly growing and changing.
2 cents worth here. I am very impressed by the civility and manners in this thread. Excellent that we can be of different religeous beliefs without slamming those who do not share another's views.

Dan Anderson
Dan Anderson said:
2 cents worth here. I am very impressed by the civility and manners in this thread. Excellent that we can be of different religeous beliefs without slamming those who do not share another's views.

Dan Anderson

Gosh...scientologists are so weird...lol :roflmao:

Sorry Dan...I couldn't resist! ;)
Christian, Lutheran....

Not "actively" practicing at the time. I still believe, still have faith...but don't go to church. I actually wrote a paper about this when I was a freshman in college. The basis was how fed up I was with what I saw in a lot of organized religion. I summed myself of like this...

Since one of the definitions of atheism isn't necessarily about believing there is no god, but that man can do better, I described myself as an atheist who had lost faith in my religion. Not that I believe all of mankind is horrible...but I think that we've got a lot more to learn before we can say that we have it all figured out...

Why would anyone go to war over an honest question? I am happy with the way the responses were witten, I hope the you are too.

Hah! I have my own religion! You could call me spiritual, I guess. I beleive my philosophies, and my philosophies happen to include god, though not some old guy with a beard on a throne. In fact, in my philosophy god neither cares about right or wrong, happiness or sadness, and in fact can't necessarily comprehend them. God is everything, nothing, can't communicate, yet communicates constantly. Think of a paradox and that's most likely god. Think of anything, in fact. God IS everything, and..... I think that's it.
War over religion is about the stupidest thing I can think of. As far as I know, there are VERY few religions which say war, killing, or burning towns/cities to the ground is OK. Leave that to god, you won't be doing the will of god by killing 'hethen' pagans.
I realize you might think this kind of goes against my philosophy (you know, of everything being god), but no. It's very complicated, I'll try and put it into words.... So..... ok. We choose things and they become the will of god. If you want the will of god (because everything is god, for lack of a better word) to be going around killing people then go for it, but you're going backwards. I ussually have to rely on people groking (understanding) my philosophy on their own since it is highly limited by words. It's kind of like "the dao".
I agree war doesn't make sense. If we all just tolerated each other's beliefs and accepted that we are all different the there wouldn't be any religious wars. Killing hundreds/thousands "in the name of God" doesn't get you any closer to God. They are only hurting themselves in the long run.
I'm technically a christian, but for the last couple of years I've been considering converting to islam.
I am both Agnostic and dyslexic. I can't tell you how many nights I lost sleep wondering if there really is a dog.
I was born and raised a Hindu. Recently, though, I've found that my belief structure has shifted more towards Buddhism/Taoism, so now I consider myself a practitioner of all three until I can sort out the dogmatic conflicts.
Jaymeister said:
I'm technically a christian, but for the last couple of years I've been considering converting to islam.
This may not be the greatest time for that. Why by the way?

Being a good Scandi I'm partial to attending a Lutheran Church but in reality I hate denominations--Christian is good enough for me.
I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.

John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh to the Father, but by me."

I was born under the penalty of sin, living under the wrath of God, and on my way to Hell. But now, by the grace of God, I am a new man, sanctified (but no better than you :ultracool ), washed in the blood of the Lamb, accepted in the beloved, and on my way to Heaven! WOW - what that'll do for your self-image! :CTF:

If you want to know more, you can check out: How to Know for Sure

SwedishChef said:
This may not be the greatest time for that. Why by the way?
I'm aware that islam doesn't have the best reputation, but the more I learn about it, the more I find that most criticism of it is based on ignorance. The reason that I've considered converting, is that I simply find it to fit me better than christianity.
Chobaja said:
I am both Agnostic and dyslexic. I can't tell you how many nights I lost sleep wondering if there really is a dog.
But in all seriousness, I'm agnostic bordering athiest. I am not one for believing something I can't see or get any proof of at all. Sometimes I think that the whole heaven concept is too good to be true and just a way for people to cope with death in general. Heaven sounds fun, hell sounds like a drag but oblivion is truly terrifying.
I grew up Protestant. I raise my kids Catholic, but I don't, and never have, considered myself a religious man. I'm a Christian. That's enough.
I don't ascribe to any single 'denomination', even the very church I attend I don't FULLY agree with.
I see it as a very personal relationship with my creator and His creation. It's important to me. I think that knowing what you believe and why, no matter what it IS that you believe, is very important!
...and once you 'know'...you must "do".
There's the trick.

Your Brother