What if....


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Take a look at this:

What if there were around 10,000 WC schools around the world, each training 100 kids like this. That would be a million little kids with a practical basis in functional WC. Give them an opportunity to compete so they can continue to develop skills against resistance. Encourage those who so wish to also learn and compete in other martial arts like wrestling or judo, muay thai and boxing.

Then come back six or seven years later, and take the top one percent, ....that's the top 10,000... and see what kind of fighters you'd have. In other words, imagine a world in which Emin was ...average!
Except that if the kid wanted to compete in judo,wrestling muay Thai or boxing.

He would not do wing Chun.
Except that if the kid wanted to compete in judo,wrestling muay Thai or boxing.
He would not do wing Chun.

Of course. You can't do more than one thing, right? And, by the time he reaches high school, if has any real athletic ability, he'll switch to real sports like football, basketball or baseball. Canadians might go for hockey. Forget soccer. That's for freaks and foreigners. :p

But this video got me thinking. Imagine a world that was a bit different. Where a lot people with real athletic talent and competitive drive trained WC and tested their skills the way some other arts do. I think you'd see a very different, very functional WC emerging.
Take a look at this:

What if there were around 10,000 WC schools around the world, each training 100 kids like this. That would be a million little kids with a practical basis in functional WC. Give them an opportunity to compete so they can continue to develop skills against resistance. Encourage those who so wish to also learn and compete in other martial arts like wrestling or judo, muay thai and boxing.

Then come back six or seven years later, and take the top one percent, ....that's the top 10,000... and see what kind of fighters you'd have. In other words, imagine a world in which Emin was ...average!

What if there were around 10,000 WC schools around the world, each training 100 kids like this. That would be a million little kids with a practical basis in functional WC. Give them an opportunity to compete so they can continue to develop skills against resistance. Encourage those who so wish to also spar other styles regularly using only Wing Chun and learning how to handle other types of fighters with Wing Chun

Then come back six or seven years later, and take the top one percent, ....that's the top 10,000... and see what kind of fighters you'd have. Like Ip Man, Leung Ting (梁挺), Leung Sheung, Lok Yiu, Chu Shong-tin, Wong Shun Leung.

Don't get me wrong, I really like Wing Chun, but that has always been the draw back to it, like many styles actually, they only spar and train with other Wing Chun people so when the come across a wrestler or judoka, muay thai person and boxer they don't know how to handle them.
If you want to compete in Judo, you have to learn gi-wrestling. Where will those children be able to obtain that information?

OK. Scrap judo. Let them learn shuai chiao and we can send them all to you. It's a lot of kids, but I'm sure you could figure out something! Now imagine the best of all of them doing WC and throws like this guy:

Of course. You can't do more than one thing, right? And, by the time he reaches high school, if has any real athletic ability, he'll switch to real sports like football, basketball or baseball. Canadians might go for hockey. Forget soccer. That's for freaks and foreigners. :p

But this video got me thinking. Imagine a world that was a bit different. Where a lot people with real athletic talent and competitive drive trained WC and tested their skills the way some other arts do. I think you'd see a very different, very functional WC emerging.

Well yeah sort of.

But don't you have to overcome the whole "you train for the ring. We train for tje streets" hero derp.
Wait a sec. Then they would be sands.

Which already exists.
OK. Scrap judo. Let them learn shuai chiao and we can send them all to you. It's a lot of kids, but I'm sure you could figure out something! Now imagine the best of all of them doing WC and throws like this guy:

Since the WC sticky hands is already one step closer toward the grappling art than most of the CMA systems are, IMO, it makes no sense to just stay there and not go beyond.

IMO, to integrate the following "single leg" into the WC system is a very easy task. It's just a simple "palm push" and "hand pull". Anybody will be able to learn that in 5 minutes.

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OK. Scrap judo. Let them learn shuai chiao and we can send them all to you. It's a lot of kids, but I'm sure you could figure out something! Now imagine the best of all of them doing WC and throws like this guy:

Wang Zhi Peng is in Beijing and he was on the show Human Weapon awhile back too. He is seriously into the fighting of it. And you will find Shuajiao in all CMA styles to varying degrees. The group I trained with that came from a Leung Sheung lineage had takedowns
Don't get me wrong, I really like Wing Chun, but that has always been the draw back to it, like many styles actually, they only spar and train with other Wing Chun people so when the come across a wrestler or judoka, muay thai person and boxer they don't know how to handle them.
It depends. I never sparred or trained with Wing Chun people after I left and entered the real world. I knew I'd never come across another WC'er on the street. So I realized right away, that if I can't use it against the regular trained or untrained fighter of any variety. Then what's the purpose? I'd imagine there are others out there who also test there WC on other arts?
Well yeah sort of.

But don't you have to overcome the whole "you train for the ring. We train for tje streets" hero derp.
I can't stand this argument. It should work anywhere. All martial arts have "dirty" or "deadly" techniques in them. So if WC has to soley rely on these. Something's wrong. On the flip side some rules like small bone joint locks can change things in real life. Same with nut kicks eye poking and biting. IMO Good WC can still work with MMA gloves. If it's not the slappy variety, but instead the structured full body and powerful kind.
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OK. Scrap judo. Let them learn shuai chiao and we can send them all to you. It's a lot of kids, but I'm sure you could figure out something! Now imagine the best of all of them doing WC and throws like this guy:

His student Jai Harmon fights and test against other arts? When he does well. He gets the comments of " that's not WC" or "that guy doesn't represent the art he beats". Damned if you do, damned if you don't!
His student Jai Harmon fights and test against other arts? When he does well. He gets the comments of " that's not WC" or "that guy doesn't represent the art he beats". Damned if you do, damned if you don't!

I'm past caring about stupid comments. Anyway, I looked up Jai Harmon and found a few Youtube clips:

/Wing Chun True Disciple - WC Style vs MMA Style SanDa YiQuan Shuai Jiao - YouTube

Anyway, these aren't formal bouts, ...more like in-school sparring. But if what Jai uses isn't WC, then I'm really confused. Sure looks like straight-up WC to me.