what does this say in English?


Blue Belt
Dec 13, 2023
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
What does this say in English? Thanks.
沖空會 = Okisorakai or Okikarakai (Offshore Meeting, or Offshore Sky Meeting)

上地流 = Uechi-ryu
since it is on a GI I think it has something to do with Martial Arts, perhaps style???
It's interesting to me that either one is a *serious* martial artist who devotes significant time and effort to mastering a traditional art, or one is attempting to become Count Dante and is worthy only of ridicule. Perhaps there is room for some middle ground; a person who wants to be able to effectively defend themselves but who cannot become an olympian athlete to do so.

I understand why some folks my age or with my sort of disabilities say they're not interested in martial arts training because they're not up to the ridicule. I think the 'shut up and sit down old man' contingent should rethink their approach perhaps. Not speaking of you, I'm addressing the room. Macho could stand to take a break.

沖空會 = Okisorakai or Okikarakai (Offshore Meeting, or Offshore Sky Meeting)

What does a meeting have to do with Martial Arts?
I don't know Japanese, Korean or Chinease, but this doesn't look like the picture to me at all. But I guess"none are so blind as those who will not see."

上地流 = Uechi-ryu


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Okay, I just noticed the small horizontal characters, under the larger verticle ones, might just be Uechi Ryu. Did't notice that before. Hard to see in this picture. But, actually, I was asking about the verticle characters.

My wife always tells me I am not very observant. Apparently, she is right! I hate that.

But, What do the verticle characters say in English?
Okay, catching on. The Verticle characters are about the meeting. the smaller one are Uechi ryu. Still don't know what meeting has to do with Karate. Wait a minute.......perhaps the GI was purchased at a meeting about Uechi ryu and is a souvenir. Actually, there is a black belt at the dojo I attend who has a GI with a logo from a National Convention she attended and purchased the GI there. Wow. Thanks.
Just curious, is this from the school you train at? If so, may I ask what part of the world you are in? It has an unusual translation, as others have explained.
The picture is a screen shot of a Utube video on the subject of Karate, left chest of you tuber. I don't know where the guy is from. Nor the name or location of the Dojo he attends. Obviously, I do not study under him. I have only been studying Karate for 4months. Hence my simpleton questions. Slowly figuring this stuff out. Thanks.
note sure.. but the middle kanji looks like "emptry" is in "kara" the first part of kanji from empty hand. But the "te" part is missing.
The last kanji is usually part of hte kanji för "kai" or organisation.... but the first symbol is a mystery
wonder if the bottom letters could maybe ? K A in kanji letters? K and A looks plossible, but the J is in question.
What does a meeting have to do with Martial Arts?
"Meeting" is the literal translation of the word kai. However, kai is used to mean "association" or "council." What's on his chest is the name of the association that he belongs to.