What do you think of this

I don't agree, I think that if he believes he is surprising me, he is allready at a disadvantage. If he believes he is surprising me than he has to believe that his first attack will go un-challenged, or at least innefeciently challenged. With the yielding and plucking in 7*pm he would be very surprised to see how his initial attack and the mor brute force he gives, only turn to retaliate worse against him. If you rush me, that only means I will be behind you with a clean shot faster. The faster you rush at me, the faster I am able to "disapear" in front of you and deliver a very effective elbow or knee crush from the side, or back.

That is why training is so important. The more you train, the less effective "street" attacks like you mentioned are goign to be.


"If you rush me, that only means I will be behind you with a clean shot faster. The faster you rush at me, the faster I am able to "disapear" in front of you and deliver a very effective elbow or knee crush from the side, or back."


Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
If you have ever sparred a mantis person you would deffinatly understand! You push in and they are gone. Its a major technique in the mantis system.

I dont understand what there is not to like about this site,yes safety is involved,but that is a concern anywhere,in a dojo dont make it any safer,ninjutsu from the site is trained in cpr,and i have some knowledge about pressure points and bones,for that matter my teacher only lives a street over and sometime he is here,alot of people come in here and think we dont train,well me and 1or2 others do train and we do it often,lately we have been training at a "MMA club",and have class on mon,wed,fri,oh hey damian, maybe were more legitmate skill now,lol,(can never please the critics)but on this site you can see where your training can hold up against a wild fighter,we have fun and learn doing it,to each his own.

Well...... I can make a guess as to why so many people are ready to condemn you for what your doing. Ego, fear, insecurity. We all want to believe that what we're doing (what art we train in and how we train) is preparing us for a real life encounter, from the Tai Chi guys to the MMA guys and everyone in between. So when some of us go to your site and we see you training in a way that is completely foreign to 95% of martial artists out there we get a little upset. We want to right you off as a lunatic or unskilled punk so that it legitimizes what we ourselves are doing. I am not judging the people that do this, I think it's quite normal even if I disagree with them. I have always tried to keep an open mind but more than that I firmly believe the best form of self defence training is similar to what you are doing.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Well...... I can make a guess as to why so many people are ready to condemn you for what your doing. Ego, fear, insecurity. We all want to believe that what we're doing (what art we train in and how we train) is preparing us for a real life encounter, from the Tai Chi guys to the MMA guys and everyone in between. So when some of us go to your site and we see you training in a way that is completely foreign to 95% of martial artists out there we get a little upset. We want to right you off as a lunatic or unskilled punk so that it legitimizes what we ourselves are doing. I am not judging the people that do this, I think it's quite normal even if I disagree with them. I have always tried to keep an open mind but more than that I firmly believe the best form of self defence training is similar to what you are doing.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

:rofl: I don't think ego, insecurity, or wanting to believe what I study is the best of the best, has anything to do with my comments about this site. If you look back and read my posts, you will see that the only critical comments were that he is likely to get sued by some punk who gets his head handed to him and then gets mad. (If a theif can sue someone when he breaks into their house and cuts his leg...anything can happen). Also, I'm not writing anyone off as a lunatic, as far as unskilled, I'm not coming to that decision lightely, I've watched every video on that page, I can say, I haven't seen anyone who is extremely skilled at all.

My point against that practice, is that you get in bad habits. Throwing off balance kicks and punches time after time will only hurt you in the long run.

this thread is very interesting.

I'll add my 2 cents:

What is training realistically? Training realistically is realizing the limitations of your training, how combat will be different then your training, while always keeping in mind the combat applications of your training.

If you do those three things above, then you will be able to make the translation from training to reality when needed. If you don't you won't. It's just that simple.

No matter how tough your fighting is, when you add rules or regulations to the mix, it is no longer combat...it is training! I have seen and heard about NHB fighters who have had there asses handed to them on the street by the untrained someone who just wanted to hurt them. Why? Because although there training was tough, they didn't realize it's limitations, how combat would differ, and how to tweak their technique for the change.

So...train how you like. I like both hard contact, and technical training myself. If you like the hard contact, then great. If not, then that's O.K. too. Just understand the three rules prevously stated so that you'll always be training for reality.

I just wnated to clarify me stand, I LOVE hard contact. I don't think you should avoid it, I think you should deffinatly train with it, even without rules, thats the only way I train. I never said use rules, I said use your head. If you are flailing around you are not learning how to be a better fighter. If you telegraph your move much more than a little, a trained MA will capitalize on it. Thats what I was trying to get across. It seems these types of events do not facilitate sharp skills, thats all.

7starmantis, I was generalising a bit and not referring to you in particular...this thread is 13 pages long, people were blindly condemning it before you came onto the thread.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I don't think if the paper bag was wet and rotten that they would have any chance of fighting their way out of it! This is whats known as cleaning of the gene pool!!


well call me crazy,but that seems pretty critical!!!and as far as me and the one we call ninjutsu,we do train proper technique,and then try to apply it realistically against someone going all out,that changes everything!!thanks

Oh for crying out loud your right, 7starmantis YOU ARE one of the people I was refering to. Shame on you! haha

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Oh for crying out loud your right, 7starmantis YOU ARE one of the people I was refering to. Shame on you! haha

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

If you are truly practicing a MA system, nothing should cahnge when "fighting all out" like you said. You guys claim it changes everything, not for me. Nothing changes, that is the nature of my art. If I let it change I have allready lost. If I keep my cool, if I focus the same as in training, NOTHING will change, adn the outcome will be in my determination. I'm sorry, I was trying to be funny with that comment, I can't say I know for a fact that no one on that site can fight, but the video's I didn't see anything resembling trained fighting. You should be able to control your opponent, that is what you train for. If "everything changes" then you have allready failed in that fight. You may train alot, I don't know, but those videos were no proof of it. If you cannot execute the same in a "real fight" as you do in training, you are failing in your training as well.

You are so confident in your ability you are either (a) completely clueless and delusional in your ability to fight for real based on your practice in the dojang (dojo, training centre) while never actually testing yourself against an enraged aggressive attacker or, (b) just that good!

I'm mostly being funny here so don't take offence, you probably are that good. I am pretty confident after 12 years of serious training but I lack the level of confidence to think in your terms. Maybe I'm a pessimist but I always assume the worst and try to train for the worst. Which doesn't allow for too much confidence on my part.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

You are so confident in your ability you are either (a) completely clueless and delusional in your ability to fight for real based on your practice in the dojang (dojo, training centre) while never actually testing yourself against an enraged aggressive attacker or, (b) just that good!

I'm mostly being funny here so don't take offence, you probably are that good. I am pretty confident after 12 years of serious training but I lack the level of confidence to think in your terms. Maybe I'm a pessimist but I always assume the worst and try to train for the worst. Which doesn't allow for too much confidence on my part.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I have trained in CMA since I was 7, so yes I have confidence, probably more than I should though. I train very hard, and even, yes, very similar to what you guys are doing. In fact, I find it fun to just go out and have a good night at "fight Club", but I think it is detrimental to your skills. Have I ever tested my MA training in "real life"? Yes, several times, and I really don't wish to do it again. My first several years in MA when I was old enough to get into fights (junior high school, and High school) I fought way to much. Those first several years, I fought alot like what I saw on those videos. I'm only trying to critique, not critisize. I know, my wet paper bag comment was off said, sorry about that. Its just that when you reach that plane, where no one can get you flustered enough to lose your control of the situation, it is amazing. Now, I'm not saying there is no one who could get me flustered, I get that way almost everytime I think I'm going to have to fight, I just have to control it. I think you guys probably have a foot up on most street fighters, but true martial artist who have mastered the art of controling the situation, that is where it becomes sticky. So street fighting, you guys have it good, but I just think you will eventually understand my point about control.

7starmantis, thats cool. Just to clarify I'm not one of the guys in the videos, that's Jason (Lungshipo). But I do try to train similiarly to that, and it's always with other skilled martial artists..... I don't know anyone outside martial arts that would put up with the beatings some of those guys take heh. Maybe I live in a nicer neighbourhood.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD