What do you think of this

Originally posted by Klondike93

What if the paper bag was wet, would they then have a chance?


I don't think if the paper bag was wet and rotten that they would have any chance of fighting their way out of it! This is whats known as cleaning of the gene pool!!

Ya I was in disbelief when whoever said that their daughter was laughing at these that it could be that amusing.

After viewing the videos I was proved very wrong. I was laughing and giggling quite alot.

Some of the people are quite funny to watch them throw kicks. In situations like this I think it would be fun to see how they are compared to a fighter that went there and they video taped themselves with people who were somewhat trained fighters.
Originally posted by Carbon
In situations like this I think it would be fun to see how they are compared to a fighter that went there and they video taped themselves with people who were somewhat trained fighters.

How do you think trained fighters get that way? They train with contact. They take their technique and try to use them as realistic as they can. While I think that these guys still need to spend more in-class time I applaud them for at least trying to bring their training to a higher level through harder contact.

That's why most Judoka, and Boxers would cream the average karateka. Because they train harder and more realistic.

You go ahead and scoff all you want. Do your techniques on a bag and in the air. If I was close I would be in the yard too doing this. Why? Because it's a lot more real than some schools ever get.

When was the last time you trained realistically?
I agree that realistic training is the best you can get. However, I can train almost at full contact (90%) with my training buddy because he is doign the same to me. I throw full power punches at him because I know he will be there to block, if not, he will next time, and the same with me.
On the other hand, getting people together who you don't even know, have no idea of their limitations physically or mentaly, and throwing "half-trained" "MAist" together, is my idea of a really stupid idea. Something is bound to go wrong, and then your in trouble. My point is that realistic is good, but still staying in form. If your flailing around you are likely to hurt yourself very bad. I just think this type of behaviour preomotes bad form, and in turn...injury. Your not training in any style if you are just throwing off balance kicks and such. What good does that do for you?

Originally posted by GouRonin

When was the last time you trained realistically?

Hey, I was at BJJ this morning.

Mr. Hartman and I have injured one another frequently by hitting one another with sticks (or wooden knives). We had to know what would work. I still recall labeling his arm with a black ad blue mark half the length of my stick--much fun.

I have to agree that a judoka, boxer, savateur, etc., has a real advantage--they know how to hit and be hit (or throw and be thrown), and how to manage range, as well as pace themselves. It really matters.

I wrote about it here.
Actually if you must know the main attraction between me and alot of my friends between 15 to 20 people is boxing.

No we aren't professional boxers. I don't claim to be a trained fighter and I'm not under any instruction because at the this particular time I don't have time.

Me and my friends do a somewhat related thing to the backyard martial art fighting website. Except its boxing, and we have 16 oz. gloves and we video tape some of the fights.

Also we video tape fights that happen at our school. If I can get a hold of copies of the videos I will try to post some on a website so you can view some of us boxing.

I will probably get the same criticism but I must admit it is fun and an adrenaline rush.

We don't try to hurt each other, we usually set rules like don't aim fort he nose and such lol.

Other than that its all in good fun there are tons of different sizes, I'm probably one of the biggest, not in height wise even though I'm around 6'3 but in weight. I weigh like 255 lbs.

So if I can get the video's and the equipment to link it up to my computer I will show yall some clips.
posted by 7 star:
On the other hand, getting people together who you don't even know, have no idea of their limitations physically or mentaly, and throwing "half-trained" "MAist" together, is my idea of a really stupid idea.

how do you know so much from a 30 sec fight clip,the street fighters come because they have fun and they like to fight,not to look pretty(a real fight is not pretty).and going hard with NHB rules,is not going to look like a premeditated drill.thanks gou you have the idea we do.and carbon contact me if you need help getting your clips on the web

Originally posted by lungshihpo

posted by 7 star:
On the other hand, getting people together who you don't even know, have no idea of their limitations physically or mentaly, and throwing "half-trained" "MAist" together, is my idea of a really stupid idea.

how do you know so much from a 30 sec fight clip,the street fighters come because they have fun and they like to fight,not to look pretty(a real fight is not pretty).and going hard with NHB rules,is not going to look like a premeditated drill.thanks gou you have the idea we do.and carbon contact me if you need help getting your clips on the web


I can watch a 30 second clip and tell alot about a fighter. I can tell alot about his/her art, training, and even sometimes their passion. Thats why I do alot of judging at tournaments. I'm not saying they don't have fun, or shouldn't do it, I simply said it was a situation that is not indusive of proper training. Also, who said anything about looking pretty? I've been in my share of conflicts, and none were ever pretty, but technique may not = pretty, does = effective. What I said was bad technique, not bad entertainment.

On a side note, I think its looks like alot of fun, there are several buddies of mine who basicaly d othe same thing, BUT, we focus on proper technique. Why else would you do it, if your goal is to become a better fighter, than you should fight, and train properly. Aks any boxing, MA, judo, basketball, footbal, pingpong coach. Proper training is what leads to sucess. Ask the police officer who trained with the rubber gun, and when confronted executed perfectly, then picked the gun up and handed it back to the assailent. He was used to doing that. Thats the only point I'm making.

Originally posted by 7starmantis

On a side note, I think its looks like alot of fun, there are several buddies of mine who basicaly d othe same thing, BUT, we focus on proper technique. Why else would you do it, if your goal is to become a better fighter, than you should fight, and train properly. Aks any boxing, MA, judo, basketball, footbal, pingpong coach. Proper training is what leads to sucess. Ask the police officer who trained with the rubber gun, and when confronted executed perfectly, then picked the gun up and handed it back to the assailent. He was used to doing that. Thats the only point I'm making.


A buddy of mine is a detention officer. He said he's seen it quite
a few times where another officer will wrestle a fighting prisoner
down to the ground, and pin him. Only to quickly release the
prisoner immediately, once the prisoner tapped out.
7starmantis, most of the guys in the videos have no training but a handful do and I think the trained ones are getting the most benefit out of wild non trained attackers coming at them in all kinds of different ways. In all my street confrontations its always been some wild untrained attack.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
How do you benefit fighting in a match thats squared up and in protective gear with an inferior fighter?

I thought the idea was to fight someone better than you to learn from them.

Its also not a wild untrained fighter. Its someone throwing weak flailing punches that anyone could dodge trained or untrained.
Carbon if you watch ALL the videos you see more than weak punches. As for the training there is an element of danger and unpredictablility that makes it hard for even trained martial artists to perform under pressure and that is why I think its beneficial to the few trained ones among them.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Carbon if you watch ALL the videos you see more than weak punches. As for the training there is an element of danger and unpredictablility that makes it hard for even trained martial artists to perform under pressure and that is why I think its beneficial to the few trained ones among them.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

You mean the few sort of trained ones, right ?
Whats to fear? You know your not going to die. You know that your not going to get seriously injuried.

I am afraid to say that I can't see how any of the people fighting are in a fear for themselves or their lives. No there aren't weak punches and yes there are some.

Does it really matter how much power you can generate if you can't hit what your aiming for?
7starmantis, some of them have trained for several years, not exactly "sort of" trained

Carbon, most people are afraid of getting hit, don't have to fear for your life to experience fear, pressure, stress and anxiety.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Carbon

How do you benefit fighting in a match thats squared up and in protective gear with an inferior fighter?

I thought the idea was to fight someone better than you to learn from them.

Its also not a wild untrained fighter. Its someone throwing weak flailing punches that anyone could dodge trained or untrained.

The guys who are mostly to initiate violence against you are not your typical well trained martial artists nor your glasses-wearing accountant/bookeepers. More likely a construction worker . (Sorry for the stereotype, just need to borrow the image of a rough neck :asian: ). He is most likely well experienced in the use of violence and pretty accustomed to getting punched. And he is going to open up on you with a barrage of lighting fast left and right punches, before you are even prepared. In fact , catching you by surprise is to his advantage. No ******** here. Brute force is surprisingly very effective. It can overwhelm the well trained MA experts if the factor of surprise is thrown in.

And that would be the guy, people tend to presume as, "untrained and inferior "

Your only option is to always be on alert of the situation and ensure you have a buffer zone where you can kick the crap out of the guy before he catches you in a surprise.