What do you think of our moderation policy?

What do you think of our moderation policy?

  • It's far too lenient

  • It needs to be a little bit more strict

  • It's about the right balance

  • It needs to be a little bit less strict

  • It's far too strict

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I think it's about right. You all are doing a great job! I know it's tough from time to time, but all in all, you're doing it very well!
Without knowing what goes on "behind the scenes" it's hard to fairly evaluate...

However, the rules do seem to be applied differently, from time to time, depending on who the offender is.

How do you assure objectivity?

...and the ability to "verify" credentials is impossible given today's computer publishing capabilities...

I would like to see a "tighter" ship, simply to assure the members of credible advice; but, I don't know HOW you can do that...

Overall, you guys do much better than other forums...I am OK with how things are run.

Your admin Policy SUCKS!:rolleyes:

Naw its cool great job kaith keep up the good work
I voted it is way too lenient.

I want the power to reach through the screen and strangle people :)

It is all about the power :)

Ok, I guess it is all about meeting people in a friendly manner and discussing martial arts et al.

:D :asian:
Originally posted by Mon Mon
Your admin Policy SUCKS!


It should be no surprise to anyone that I think it's just about right--except when the other mods. overrule me!
Got nothing for love for all of you but I still reckon you should make me Admin! :cuss:

:D :asian:
I vote too lenient. Only because every thread goes off topic. The ones for Martial Arts should stay on topic. The locker room should be for other stuff.

I'm not saying going off topic is bad ..... asking a question that is for something similar, or something like that is fine. But we have a good thread, then it goes out the window :( It does get annoying sometimes, but other times it's funny. So it's really hard to say sometimes.
I think you guys are doing a good job.:asian: :D

As for Gou, I'm still not sure why he did what he did.:confused:
.. if I had time, I would like to Moderate or Administrate, but I just could not squeeze it in.

I appreciate your attempts to reach concensus, but sometimes it takes too long or yall get a bit off track consistancy-wise. You got more moderators ... that is a good thing. This may solve some of the issues of consistancy with stuff slipping by due to volume.

I want to be named Benevolent Dictator for Life


Most dictators assume power by some kind of violent action...
Also, the thing you get when you cross a penis and a potato is a dick-tater...

Benevolence and violence are generally contrary to each other and the other, you figure it out...

...but, if you want it so bad:


congratulations !!!

Originally posted by chufeng

Most dictators assume power by some kind of violent action...
Also, the thing you get when you cross a penis and a potato is a dick-tater...

Benevolence and violence are generally contrary to each other and the other, you figure it out...

...but, if you want it so bad:


congratulations !!!

Ahhh, another noisy cricket...
I said Benevolent dictator specifically because I do not want to use violence to acheive it or need violence to keep it. So you assumed I meant something I did not. The penis thing was just bad, but had you not said it, I would not be responding. When needed, I can be a first class (vernacular word here for penis), but that is irrelevant. I wish others to recognize me for my genius and realize that they would be better off with me at the helm. You seem to have made the first step..

Have a nice day.:D

You don't think a "boot to the groin" isn't violence...
You won't see me running thread to thread with my combat boots on looking for an unsuspecting crotch:p

But you seem to make a habit of it..."boot to the groin" here, "boot to the groin" there...here a boot, there a boot, everywhere a boot, boot...not my idea of BENEVOLENCE;)

Have a good day...and remember if you want to be dictator, don't hold one of those MOB vote thingies (elections)...just do it.

Originally posted by chufeng

You don't think a "boot to the groin" isn't violence...
You won't see me running thread to thread with my combat boots on looking for an unsuspecting crotch:p
No, not at all, it's an ART form....

But you seem to make a habit of it..."boot to the groin" here, "boot to the groin" there...here a boot, there a boot, everywhere a boot, boot...not my idea of BENEVOLENCE;)
That is not a part of my bid for power, that is a hobby. Thin skeet shooting and Mel Brooks' History of the World Part 1

Have a good day...and remember if you want to be dictator, don't hold one of those MOB vote thingies (elections)...just do it.

You are probably right, I was hoping to be appointed, but I am glad I have your support.
Maybe Seig is starting to get a big following after all. And to think that MOB said he was going to rule MT.:rofl:
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