From Chris Crudelli's book The Way of the Warrior which says it has every martial art in it I found this one. It may be what you are looking for. It fits with David W's post too.
Kutto Varisai
"Althought often taught alongside the stick fighting art of silambam, kuttu varisai is also a stand alone martial art; it resembles other empty hand martial arts such as kung fu and karate. It employs techniques based on the movements of aggressive animals as well as grappling and striking arts. Some weapons - notably the stick, trident dagger, double sword, shield, steel whip and knuckleduster - are also used. In addition kuttu varisai features the more peaceful pursuits of yoga, breathing exercises and meditation.
The first recorded literature relating to the art dates from the 1st century BCE. It is believed to have been a uniquely Tamil practice, popular in Tamil Nadu and North Eastern Sri Lanka."