We are opening a Silat E-Shop.. need suggestions..



Hello and selamat berjumpa for all Silat stylists,

We are planning to open a Silat E-Shop. We are offering training manuals and Video CDs, and also uniforms including Sarung. We are wondering, is there any other Silat stuff which we should be offering? Any suggestions are welcome!

Here is the link to our site


This is also the website of Pencak Silat Paseban, a style from Jakarta (North Java).

Sampai Jumpa! (Until Next Time!)

We Americans love our weapons. I would love to see Kujangs, Kudis, Karambits, even some generic goloks. I would also love to see some local medicines.

Will you be offering training materials from other Silat systems, or just Pencak Silat Paseban? Also, I agree with Lobo that some weapons/remedies would be nice. I would like to add that Audio CD's of authentic music, and perhaps some Rattan offerings would be good.

Just suggestions. :)

OULobo said:
We Americans love our weapons. I would love to see Kujangs, Kudis, Karambits, even some generic goloks. I would also love to see some local medicines.
Those weapons are obtainable around here sir, but I am not sure about the laws in the USA. Are we allowed to ship them there? If yes, we can even get you good deals on original, hand-made Central Java Keris. The shipping cost will be high though..
OUMoose said:

Will you be offering training materials from other Silat systems, or just Pencak Silat Paseban? Also, I agree with Lobo that some weapons/remedies would be nice. I would like to add that Audio CD's of authentic music, and perhaps some Rattan offerings would be good.

Just suggestions. :)

For this time being we will focus on the Paseban Mutakhir style, but sometime next year we might be able to offer demo CDs of other styles, most possibly PERPI HARIMURTI from Central Java, and SETIA HATI also from Central Java.

As for Audio CDs of authentic Javanese/Balinese music, yes that could be arranged too, with the scarcity of real Indonesian musicians in your country which could play traditional Indonesian music, Audio CD would be a logical replacement if you want to do your Kembangan (forms) with musical accompaniment. American Jazz music doesn't fit as well in Silat context ;)

Since we are in CD mode, we might be able to offer VideoCD films of Si Pitung and other films depicting legendary Silat heroes of the early 19th century. The main actor is D. Zulkarnaen (now deceased), an authentic Silat practitioner. These films are fictions based on historical facts, but many techniques are authentic.

So, Thank you for the suggestions!

Your friend from Indonesia,

I have ordered many things, including weapons, from Indonesia and never had any problems shipping it over here. Usually I have them labled decoration so that there are less problems. I would love to see the videos you are describing. They sound very interesting. I only have one CD of music right now and it would be nice to have a little more for selection.
OULobo said:
I have ordered many things, including weapons, from Indonesia and never had any problems shipping it over here. Usually I have them labled decoration so that there are less problems. I would love to see the videos you are describing. They sound very interesting. I only have one CD of music right now and it would be nice to have a little more for selection.
Regarding CD selections, just send an email to [email protected] sir, and we will reply your email very soon! Since we are new, we haven't catalogued all of our stuffs yet, but I am sure what we have now will be interesting for you.

Usually the music for accompanying Silat performance should be compatible with the region where it came. For example, Sundanese music for west Java Silat, Javanese music for central & east Java Silat, Minangkabau music for west Sumatra Silat and so on. We will try to carry as much selections as we can.

Have a wonderful training time!

For those of you who wants to chat and/or discuss Silat with Silat practitioners from Indonesia in Bahasa Indonesia, this forum will do:


the owner of the board (not me!) is an Indonesian.
Don't worry, the owner also speaks English quite well!

Ben Haryo
wadokai_indo said:
For those of you who wants to chat and/or discuss Silat with Silat practitioners from Indonesia in Bahasa Indonesia, this forum will do:


the owner of the board (not me!) is an Indonesian.
Don't worry, the owner also speaks English quite well!

Ben Haryo

No no, if u gys want to speak in English, german or france is no problem for me
please join our forum www.pentjak-forum.tk or from our main web www.pentjaksilat.tk

or u can contact me at [email protected] :partyon:
you dont need to speak indonesia if u cant, speak english as well in our forum

Terima Kasih :p
Video CD for Pencak Silat Sitembak and Pencak Silat Paseban is now available. It is not a complete instructional but it does include basic techniques, forms demonstrations and self-defense techniques. No weapons techniques is demonstrated. I apologize to people who request full instructional tapes, it is not possible because our teachers here will not allow the arts to be completely put on tapes. I hope the demo videos will be satisfactory.
Can you get some stagin? We use them for our bango putih silat like a sash for our uniforms. We would like long ones in nice colors please.

Thank you,
Just wanted to say that I really like what you have put on that page. It's descriptive and specific. Best of luck to you, setting up e-shops is "fun" :)

webmaster - www.clearsilat.com
My friend wadokai_indo informed me that he has been unable to login to his account here in MT. Now I understand why, it's closed :D :D :D :D

Nevertheless, he told me to announce here in this thread that his E-shop is still open and inquiries can be directed to [email protected] (if you speak English) or ([email protected]) if you speak Dutch, French or Arabic.

Well, party on! :)
Just got news from my teacher. Mr. Khu Chen Yong, a Kuntao stylist who is also a Jujutsu student of my teacher, has written a manuscript about his Kuntao system (Kuntao Macan). Is there any interests of a Kuntao book? If yes then maybe we will make a book out of that manuscript, with pictures and charts.
Yes, definitely. There aren't many resources on it! I spoke yetserday with someone who used to study kuntao and would've liked to ask many questions (but we were quickly called to other tasks).
jujutsu_indonesia said:
Just got news from my teacher. Mr. Khu Chen Yong, a Kuntao stylist who is also a Jujutsu student of my teacher, has written a manuscript about his Kuntao system (Kuntao Macan). Is there any interests of a Kuntao book? If yes then maybe we will make a book out of that manuscript, with pictures and charts.

Is that "Tiger Kuntao"? Sounds kind of interesting.
OULobo said:
Is that "Tiger Kuntao"? Sounds kind of interesting.

Yes, that's the tiger Kuntao. But this Kuntao Macan is rather different with other tigers around. For one, there are no technique which mimics the movements of a tiger, except for some hand formations which is said to resemble the claws of a tiger. This style relies on hand techniques and plenty of low kicks. I think it's Khu Chen Yong's own family style.

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