Washington State

Wild Bill

Green Belt
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I will be visiting my brother for four days during spring break. He lives in a town called Mukiteeo(sp). It is around Tacoma. Is there anything martial arts related or otherwise that I should check out while he is at worK? Any sugestions are appreciated
Dude, there's a lot of martial arts in that area - just crack the yellow pages when you get there.

Are you looking for something specifically?
I just don't want to spend my limited vacation time sitting on the couch watching daytime TV until my brother gets home.
Hey Wild Bill,

Mukilteo is actually north of Seattle (which is 40 miles north of Tacoma).

Alot of martial artists who visit Seattle, visit Bruce Lee's grave, if you are into that sort of thing, he's buried at Lakeview Cemetary on Capitol Hill.

Looking at your background, a couple of Kajukenbo schools include Mateo's School of Karate. Sigung Mateo is a good instructor.

There are several Seattle Era JKD students in Seattle (Glover, Kimura, Demille) the most accessible being Demille, in north Seattle (look up Wing Chun Do).

There are several more JKD schools scattered through the area.

Have fun,

If you like to grapple, feel free to stop in the Seattle Jujutsu Club.
Our website gives contact info www.seattle-jujutsu.org

Aaron Fields
Seattle Jujutsu Club, Hatake Dojo
Sea-Town Sombo
I can highly recommend Aarons club they work hard and honest. Wild Bill will you have transportation? What arts are you interested in or have experience in?

See you on the floor soon
Brian King
Brian said:
Wild Bill will you have transportation? What arts are you interested in or have experience in

I will have some transportation. I may rent a car or just take a taxie depending on what I want to do. I am very interested in Kajukenbo and JKD. It looks like I am not going to be bored on this trip.

Thanks to all who have resonded. The links are especially helpfull.

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