Walker, Texas Ranger


Green Belt
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Wagoner, OK
Hey, saw an episode of Walker, Texas Ranger yesterday that had Joe Lewis, Bill Wallace, and a couple other old champions. Anyone else see it?? They showed some footage from some of their old fights...good stuff! Then, at the end, they had a couple sparrring scenes with them...they're still goin at it!! Great show.

I did not see that one yesterday, however I have seen it and it was a good episode yes. Nice to see many of those guys still going at it.
Would be a good one to catch! Hopefully I'll catch sometime in
the future.
Am watching that on USA right now, and being that Norris is going on 63, how much of the action scenes are really his? I understand there is a student of his, Chip Wright, who almost is a dead giveaway for Norris that has done work for him before. He is also one of their top fighters, and form winners.

Can anyone else help on this?

Midway through Walker, Texas Ranger he started having stunt men do most of his action scenes. It was a combination, he said, of age, injuries, and the fact that if the star is injured then the whole series pretty much shuts down until he's healed.
It sounded logical when he explained it: That if he was injured, the series would stop for however long it took him to heal, and a lot of people therefore wouldn't get paid. In addition, he was older and did have some injuries.

But yeah, I know what you mean!
Originally posted by arnisador

It sounded logical when he explained it: That if he was injured, the series would stop for however long it took him to heal, and a lot of people therefore wouldn't get paid. In addition, he was older and did have some injuries.

But yeah, I know what you mean!

I'm very surprised, but considering his age, I guess no one can look that good forever.:asian:
But he had us all beliving it could. Hmph...well I'll keep watching the show...and the A-team...and JAG....One can't get enough action!
Originally posted by Hollywood1340

But he had us all beliving it could. Hmph...well I'll keep watching the show...and the A-team...and JAG....One can't get enough action!

Yep, me too. I'll always be a Norris fan. same with all the others, no matter how ugly, slow, or how better looking they are than me!:asian:

New 'Walker' episode isn't a reunion

Question: I read that there were plans to create a "Walker, Texas Ranger" reunion special. If so, when will it be on, and who will appear?

Answer: It's not really a reunion but a new two-hour "Walker" adventure that was scheduled to start shooting in and around Dallas this month. Chuck Norris, Sheree Wilson and Judson Mills will reprise their Walker roles in "Walker, Texas Ranger: Ring of Fire." Aaron Norris, Chuck's brother, is directing the CBS movie. No air date yet.
I loved Walker, Texas Ranger. He was so cool. I, however, think he should stick to acting/MA and not singing ;)
I've enjoyed Mr. Norris' work for many years, but I have to agree with Nalia; all of us have our strengths & Mr. Norris' is definitely in MA. :D