Video Basic Strikes - Footwork


George Martin

Any recommends on a video for basic escrima strikes and footwork. I currently take Shotokan but would like to work sticks on my own.
Hi George,

Please consider "Modern Arnis, Volume 2", by Grandmaster Remy A. Presas. Distributed by Black Belt Magazine, it contains a basic set of Arnis strikes and footwork.

Best regards,

Originally posted by George Martin

I currently take Shotokan but would like to work sticks on my own.

In the beginning stages, learning solo is ok, angles, footwork, etc. But at the very least find a friend or someone with similar interests to go through the videos with you. Most apsects of FMA are difficult to pick up on doing solo training and rely on the sensitivity of pressure, zoning, range finding, timing, etc. It's almost impossible to pick this up solo. Unlike Shotokan or other traditional Arts, FMA is typically not Forms based and in most cases completely a social, interactive art. It is this level of training when you start to realize what FMA is about. Many people from other styles don't take it to this level, learn a few things from video then teach it, not even realizing what they are really doing. No disrepect towards you, just offering some advice.


Thanks for the input. I have my son to work with. I will check out the recommended video.