Very very very bad idea


Black Belt
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ponca City, Oklahoma
Martial Art=Art of War...

Sometimes I wonder if Martial Art has become the Art of Running Away. I agree with what most of people say here about avoiding fights at any cost coz we never know what it can happen: like this video.

But the more I read this site the more I see people calling stupid everyone who tries to defend his/her rights.


Senior Master
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
well All I can say is that if I find an intruder in my house, we will be having more then words! And in my state its black letter law that I have an absolute right to do what ever I need to defend myself and my home.

Mark Lynn

Master Black Belt
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Roanoke TX USA
Bad idea / Good idea both sides have some decent views, however for me it is the idea of chasing the person down the sidewalk that was a bad idea for many of the reasons given.

Keep in mind what happened to Alex Gong, owner of Fairtex gyms, who chased down a hit and run (guy ran into his car outside of his gym) and was shot for his efforts (and died). However if he had just called the cops with the license plate number he would be alive today, and even if he didn't have the license plate number all he had was a damaged car and his life.

In your house there is a element of control (familiar suroundings, you can see if they have a weapon and how many people are involved etc. etc.), however going outside of your house you lose that/those element(s).


still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hello, If everyone did nothing....what would our world be like...

If a kids falls into a river...One ,call for help (save your own life) two jump in because you know you can save this child...three, do nothing...NO RISK.

Does this apply to chasing a bad person who stole your things?

If someone attacks you? do you do nothing because fighting back may cause the attacter to get more aggressive?

If our soldiers saw the enemy? ..they could get kill? we run away? knowing there is dangers

Life is full of dangers (there are many successful stories of people who act bravely and survive...just as many stories of those who didn't?

We must ALL make our own decisions when the time comes...some -times WE MUST REACT....EVEN IF THERE IS A RISK?

Why learn martial arts..if running away is the best answers..why learn knife and gun defense's...takedowns if there is a RISK of us getting hurt too?

LIfe if full of risk...even driving a car or walking across a street....fools do nothing....risk takers make the world safer!

Aloha ( Read about the successful stories and not base on one that ends badly...) this one ended in the CNN news...successful story why to train in martial arts too! good to run marthons also....


Black Belt
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
Lake County,Ohio
Thank GOD that she is alright, and that everything turned out ok. I hope she realizes how ugly this could have become, again the ugliness did'nt come, but it still is food for serious thought. On the other hand maybe it will be reason for some other kid to pause, and think things through one more time. Before he/she takes that step into criminal life.



Yellow Belt
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Hello, Most of us were NOT there? ...Her instincts kick in and I believe she knew she could over power the thief.....

She knew that she handle this person. Yes there is always a chance the bad guy could have had a weapon.

When we face someone who broke into our house? ....when the time will have to make a I fight back or run? The police will and call 911. This is the smartest thing to do!

But if the thief was a kid? ....depends on the situtions..each will be different?

Every police officer will need to make a decision? I call for back up or tackle the guy? ...the bad guy could be bigger...more train...and maybe carrying weapons?

Someone grabs you laptop/ or your wife purse? you call 911 or will chase the person who is running away? it depends on the situtions....? don't you think?

If everyone did nothing? ....why train in martial arts...if the answer is to run.....LEARN RUNNING INSTEAD!

One day you too will have to make a decision like this? ....bullies? you fight back? ...or let them have their way? ...bullies could have weapons too? ...

Aloha, When is the right time to fight back? ....when is the right time to protect one self or family? ....

PS: Home intrusion? ....what would you do? .....

Amen. I agree, she took action and didn't let fear control her.

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