Venting Room

Originally posted by theletch1
My dad's people (as we say down here) have an annual get together to make home made apple butter the old fashioned way. Huge cast iron cauldron on a open fire, a really wierd looking device for stirring the pot lots and lots of food cooked up by 90 year old ladies who know what good cooking is all about and plenty of "good ole boys" pickin' blue grass and gospel all day long. There will never be a commercial apple butter that can come close to that. And real, hand churned butter......yummmmmm. Dang! Again with a thread that's making me hungry. :mad:

Now that sounds like a way good time~!!!
*Knows what I'm gonna have for lunch *G*
Originally posted by Ender
Are we talkng European swallows or African?

...don't remember coconuts being then...bring me a shrubbery...or on second thought....a nice, fat, sassy armadillo....:rofl:
Originally posted by Technopunk
WTH is Apple Butter?
Since this is the venting thread, I shall vent....

BLASPHEME! What do you mean what is Apple Butter? It is Southern Ambrosia, food of the Gods, the very same Gods that gave us Grits, Fried Chicken, Jambalya, red beans and rice, and country fried steak! Mere Yankees are not worthy of Apple Butter! If you wish to partake of this delicacy you must recant your evil ways, whistle Dixie three times, say four Hail General Lee's, and make a pilgrimage to Disney World!

That probably didn't answer your question....

Look Here, Apple Butter Festival, Berkeley Springs
apple butter frickin rocks, dude!

haven't been to the festival yet seeing as this is only my second fall in West Virginia, but I promised Trina I'd come and see her.

...damn I Capitalize Like Nice Chinese Chopstix Package *snicker*
BLASPHEME! What do you mean what is Apple Butter? It is Southern Ambrosia, food of the Gods, the very same Gods that gave us Grits, Fried Chicken, Jambalya, red beans and rice, and country fried steak! Mere Yankees are not worthy of Apple Butter! If you wish to partake of this delicacy you must recant your evil ways, whistle Dixie three times, say four Hail General Lee's, and make a pilgrimage to Disney World

Seig, right on the money as usual. I only have one point of disagreement here and that is that the pilgrimage should be to Graceland for a true southerner and not Disney World.

My daughter picked apples off of the tree behind the house yesterday after school and fried 'em up for dinner last night....mmm-mmm!
Originally posted by theletch1
Seig, right on the money as usual. I only have one point of disagreement here and that is that the pilgrimage should be to Graceland for a true southerner and not Disney World.

My daughter picked apples off of the tree behind the house yesterday after school and fried 'em up for dinner last night....mmm-mmm!

Seig always says if it weren't for the rest of the country.. there would be no Disney.. take the Yankees money away and poof.. Florida would be a swamp again. .course you take away all the Snowbirds and there would be very few people.. *we lived in FLorida too long *G*

*disclaimer* No offense to you Yanks.. I'm one of you.. been kidnapped and carried below the Mason Dixon Line.. *HELP I'm surrounded by grit eatin and okra fanatics* :D

*bring me a nice fat sassy armadilllo*
No offense taken - I for one believe I am northern by birth, but southern by the grace of God. ;)

Dixie ain't a place - it's a state of mind!
Whatever happened to Thanksgiving? Everything is decorated for Xmas before I even get my Thanksgiving turkey!
I have 6 at(5girls&1boy) home, and the fun never ends!!! What shocked me initially. Is that my son is WWWWWAAAAYYYY neater than my girls. I tell them, I no longer believe the fairy tail that girls are made of sugar, and spice, and everything nice. They can be the sloppiest people on the planet. I have found food, utensils, etc.. One of my daughters tends to throw away dishes instead of washing them... As I stated earlier, the fun never ends.

Originally posted by donald
What shocked me initially. Is that my son is WWWWAAAAYYYY neater than my girls. I tell them, I no longer believe the fairy tail that girls are made of sugar, and spice, and everything nice. They can be the sloppiest people on the planet.

I agree with you. My 8 yr. old daughter is a slob. If she looks at something it breaks. My wife & I have cleaned her room many times before because she can't seem to do it on her own. During this we have thrown some of her stuff out to clean the room before. There have even been times where I took everything out vacuumed cleaned the walls and whatnot then put each and every piece back in. Then in less than 10 minutes of her going in that room it looks like a pig slop mess.:soapbox:
I agree with you. My 8 yr. old daughter is a slob. If she looks at something it breaks. My wife & I have cleaned her room many times before because she can't seem to do it on her own. During this we have thrown some of her stuff out to clean the room before. There have even been times where I took everything out vacuumed cleaned the walls and whatnot then put each and every piece back in. Then in less than 10 minutes of her going in that room it looks like a pig slop mess
Jason, I know exactly how you feel, friend. I've done what you do with your girls room on several occasions here and they can destroy a room in record time. As I sit at the computer I can look across the hallway into to the room that two of my daughters share and I'm seeing a pile of CLEAN clothes in the floor at the foot of the bed. I just washed those dang things yesterday. All they had to do was put them in their drawer and couldn't even manage to do that. Guess who's gonna get grounded til their rooms get cleaned.
I have something to vent about...

The other night me and my friends were talking (they aren't martial artists at all)... talking about the supposed whay to kill a man by palm striking his nose at an upward angle to drive the cartilidge into his brain, INSTANTLY KILLING HIM!!

I just told them, "I'm pretty sure that's an urban legend".

And of course they're all like "N0 D3WD! Y0U C4N 7074LLY PWN 50ME GUY W17H 7H4T!!"

I tell them again, it's not possible. My firend just states that "You do this all the time. Just because YOU think it's true doesn't mean it is".......................


Same thing happened a while ago with the whole 'register your hands as deadly weapons when you achieve black belt status, yo!'. Except that time they both had martial arts training. I couldn't believe my ears. Can someone give me concrete proof against these theories so I can prove to my firends that I'm not just trying to be a jackass!?

Thus conludes my venting....
Originally posted by chaosomega
Can someone give me concrete proof against these theories so I can prove to my firends that I'm not just trying to be a jackass!?

Proof? You're looking for proof? Visit the nearest trauma unit and see what happens with certain individuals that got only their noses smashed. Most of them won't end up dead, unlike what your friends think...

- Ceicei
Here's mine for today.........vent, vent, vent........I stopped in town to let an elderly gentleman in a motorized wheelchair go across the cross-walk in front of my car from right to left. The guy in the car on my left did not stop and just about creamed the poor fellow in the wheelchair as he sped his car thru the crosswalk and on up the road. The man driving was old and probably should not have been driving anymore. Thank God the man in the wheelchair slowed down or he would be in bad shape or dead now.
Just to Vent...

car engine died.. Radiator in the truck is leaking.. my oven element burned up.
we went to the studio Monday night, the power was off in the studio. (it's back on now) stupid power company~!
it's raining and snowing at the same time.
My dog is acting stupider than normal..
grumble grumble grumble..
there I feel better :D

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