US Marines being tasered. For fun. Really.

That was what I used to see in pilot 'wetdowns', kind of. They'd pour beer all over the bar, then take turns standing on the bar, running down the bar, and doing belly-flop landings without skidding off the end of the 'runway'. The one I had to respond to as an on-duty MP when I was on Okinawa had a bunch of officers having a bottle-rocket war with each other from close distance. They were 'flying' around the courtyard making jet engine noises, shooting bottle rockets from their outstretched hands (wings) like they were sidewinder missiles. Officers are odd; pilots are just weird.

Likely the same thing, my father saw and dealt with this back during the Korean and Vietnam Wars so it could have changed by now. It also required that you don't fall off the table

There was another pilot game a friend of mine, who is still in, was telling me about but it was a lot more dangerous and likely got at least one of the pilots into real big trouble because it used real fighters and... a Destroyer
When a Marine or sailor crosses the equator, everything goes nuts. I am not a 'Shellback', so I do not have real-life experiences.

It's just all in clean fun. They try and psyche you out in the days befroe the crossing. They have you crawl through a garbage chute that has been rotting in the hot sun for over a week. That's not bad but all the puke from those who entered before you is what gets to you. As you hear every one gagging and puking that's the fun part. The ganulet of crawling along and being beat with paddles made from old fire hoses. Lot's of other good clean fun.

I crossed on August 24,1973.
Latitude: 0 degree.

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