UFC on Fox.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Apparently the UFC, or parts of it at least, will be shown on Fox on Tuesday. Some additional info. may be found at these addresses:

From an e-mail making the rounds:
>The Ultimate Fighting Championship, the world's leading ultimate
>fighting sports event, will make its debut on basic cable television
>Tuesday, June 25, on the Fox Sports Network's "Best Damned Sports
>Show Period All-Star Summerî Celebration. The BDSSP's All-Star
>Summer will be filled with big-name guests from the worlds of sports
>and entertainment from June 24 to July 19. The two-hour show airs
>nightly at 8:00 p.m. and/or 11:00 p.m. local time on most Fox Sports
>Net regional sports networks, and at 10:00 p..m. and midnight on FSN
>Bay Area, Chicago, Florida, New England, New York and Ohio. For more
>details check out UFC.tv
Did I see an ad for another showing of the UFC on basic cable or free TV?
The UFC will be showing again on August 4 and 11, it looks like it'll be two matches on each night but I'm not sure (and since I don't have Fox I didn't look into it to much)
Fox sports will air 1hr special on the UFC at 6pm CDT. I don't know if it will be one hour decaded to the UFC or just couple fights. But being on FREE TV you can't beat that.