Training while sick...

Originally posted by Kroy
Dont you think that showing up at the studio sick is only going to spread the virus to your training partners. At our studio, if you showed up visibly ill, you were sent home. We all respected that.

Yeppers.. if it's a virus or bacteria .. stay home~!! What I was saying in my above post was just old age setting in kinda achey pain stuff.. and not feeling up to par etc. But if you have a cold, flu or anything that is could potentially be catching.. do your compatriots a favor and don't spread it~!!!
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Yeppers.. if it's a virus or bacteria .. stay home~!! What I was saying in my above post was just old age setting in kinda achey pain stuff.. and not feeling up to par etc. But if you have a cold, flu or anything that is could potentially be catching.. do your compatriots a favor and don't spread it~!!!

Here's a thought, not directed specifically at you Tess. At some point an ugly human bad guy might walk up to you and say give me your money, your body, your whatever without bothering to ask "if your feeling ok today", or if your kind of under the weather. I doubt if any of them will say, "ok, let me come back and take advantage of you when your feeling better". If your used to laying down and not train when your a little under the weather then maybe you fold under the pressure when really confronted with such a situation. I trained last week sick, I was a little sluggish and much sicker later that evening, but I clocked the mat time and know I can execute with that internal environment (even if it's not at the top of my game).

Within my training environment we train together well or sick. If you've got something, I'm probably gonna catch it and visa versa. We are family and families will catch each others colds while carving on one another.

I don't advocate this for everyone. That's just how we do it.


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