Thanks for that. Looks interesting and I'll definitely have a good look through it when I get some time.
When you said that training at home is the worst form of martial practice, can I assume that you don't find it beneficial? Personally I find it extremely beneficial but that might well be due to the fact that I'm significantly less experienced in Wing Chun than you are.
I see my training at home as practicing and refining, under no pressure, what I'd ideally like to be doing when being under pressure in class during chi sau etc. Then I go and pressure test my Wing Chun, see where I'm going wrong, go home & practice and so on. I guess that after a good number of years training you don't need to refine things as much so training at home becomes less beneficial....but I don't expect to be at that stage for a long while yet.
I agree that moving is key, but only if you move correctly. I frequently get reminded of this in chi sau as I tend to get hit when I move incorrectly!
To answer the original question, my training at home is predominantly SNT. I'll also practice some turning & trying to move while keeping structure although these tend to be secondary to SNT. I've recently been fortunate enough to acquire a wooden dummy so also play around on that to correct my angles etc when the crappy London weather is good enough!