Train with your dog?

Old CJ

Yellow Belt
Feb 25, 2024
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Does anyone train with your dog? My 10 month old wants to involve himself in my training. I'm thinking of working him into my routine.
Does anyone do this? Does it help? I'm new at Karate and the dog is a pup so we can learn together. Am I nuts?
My dog goes crazy whenever I work out. He gets excited, barks, and just taps his front feet (he can't move his back) as I exercise. I've learned that a good way to stay active is when I see him bored it means I haven't exercised recently and I should do so, which helps us both.
I've followed some yoga practitioners where their dogs also stick around as they do yoga. Honestly, just practice around your dog, and in breaks (ie: as soon as you finish a kata) play with your dog for a few minutes, then go to your next thing, and they'll be very happy to encourage you to train.
My dog goes crazy whenever I work out. He gets excited, barks, and just taps his front feet (he can't move his back) as I exercise. I've learned that a good way to stay active is when I see him bored it means I haven't exercised recently and I should do so, which helps us both.
I've followed some yoga practitioners where their dogs also stick around as they do yoga. Honestly, just practice around your dog, and in breaks (ie: as soon as you finish a kata) play with your dog for a few minutes, then go to your next thing, and they'll be very happy to encourage you to train.
Thanks! That's good words.
I'd say depends on the dog and what you're thinking as far as him training with you. I've had German shepherds most of my life. I train solo with my dog around. You can use it to help obedience training. Specifically working the dogs impulse control. The dog I have now hit a double end bag and ripped it down when he was younger. I hit the bag a couple of times then the furry missile flew in. I can say that impulse control is a big part of training certain dogs, and is an immense help in overall obedience. The same dog can now hold a down while I'm doing bag work. Which translates to him being able to control his impulses to chase/bite etc other things. I don't do any type of partner work with him around. For one, muzzled he'd still be a danger to my partner, and two, I don't want to desensitize him to someone "acting aggressively" towards me.
Just my two cents
Does anyone train with your dog? My 10 month old wants to involve himself in my training. I'm thinking of working him into my routine.
Does anyone do this? Does it help? I'm new at Karate and the dog is a pup so we can learn together. Am I nuts?
Yes, this is the secret to success in the martial arts: having an over-excited bundle of joy, breaking your concentration, getting in your way and, in the case of my swordsmanship, risking injury and death.

Play with your dog, a lot….they deserve that. Do Karate, a lot…you deserve that. But I can’t see how combining the two will enhance your training..🤔…unless he can wear a keikogi and practise sanbon kumite with you! The distancing would be challenging though…🤔
Does anyone train with your dog? My 10 month old wants to involve himself in my training. I'm thinking of working him into my routine.
Does anyone do this? Does it help? I'm new at Karate and the dog is a pup so we can learn together. Am I nuts?
Sorry to diverge but our screen name caught my attention. Is it 'CJ' as in Jeep CJ?
I just want to add- dogs need time and attention. Some require a lot- that takes away from MA training time. With my breed I know this all too well. Getting your dog to a point where it can be around, unobtrusively while you train can free up a significant portion of that time for MA training.
Now go tie a steak to your belt and run like the wind.
This guy is the gym mascot. He patiently watches us train.


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Handsome, happy looking fella Wing Woo Gar!
My Sifu always had his dog “Max” at the kwoon. He knew our routines perfectly. When we would get there before class he would be at the door greeting us and then go upstairs until he heard us perform our closing salutation. Then he would come downstairs and socialize.
I'm training my dog to listen to "Hajime" instead of "come".
We have two Great Pyrenees, both turned 1 this month, plus a Border/Pyr who is 8, a 4 year old Cairn Terrier, and a cat. I play with them all a lot, but I do not train with them. Were I to spar with the Pyrenees, I'd probably lose. The small one is about 130 pounds. The Polar Bear is about 150.
My sensei had a great Dane named Buddha that he kept in the dojo most of the time. I took care of him for several years when I ran the school on Saturdays. On his hind legs he was taller than me and provided my initial grappling experience. A few tooth marks and scratches, but the best playmate I ever had (I was in my later teens). He was a gentle giant who ate and pooped like a horse.

One day Buddha was in the back room when the telephone repair guy came in and went back. A loud hearty and scarry (not to me) bark was followed by a blur of a man running faster than I've ever seen for the front door! We all had a good laugh on that.

Another near forgotten memory from those old days long ago, rekindled thanks to martial-talk.