Toyota helps sell a few more Fords and GMs...Demands Removal of Fan Wallpapers.

Bob Hubbard

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Your Rights Online: Toyota Demands Removal of Fan Wallpapers 2008-11-16 09:16

Posted by Soulskill on Sunday November 16, @09:16AM
from the see-what-sticks dept.

An anonymous reader writes "TorrentFreak reports that Toyota's lawyers have recently contacted computer wallpaper site Desktop Nexus in a blatant example of DMCA abuse. Toyota issued a blanket request to demand the immediate removal of all member-uploaded wallpapers featuring a Toyota, Lexus, or Scion vehicle (citing copyright violation), regardless of whether Toyota legally holds the copyright to the photos or not. When site owner Harry Maugans requested clarification on exactly which wallpapers were copyrighted by Toyota, he was told that for them to cite specifics (in order to file proper DMCA Takedown Notices), they would invoice Desktop Nexus for their labor."

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Must be nice to not worry about pissing off loyal buyers and potential ones.

Here's some legal background. Copyright holders have rights. People post stuff they shouldn't everyday, and the DMCA allows a standardized method of allowing copyright holders to protect their property. I use it regularly, and our ow DMCA statement is found at It allows us a way to properly ID the violation, and not just play bully for someone wanting to harass another.

Looks like Toyota's legal team didn't get the memo or chooses to be a bully here.

I wouldn't take anything down unless they sent in an itemized list with full locations as required, and I sure as hell wouldn't pay any invoices they sent in.