Top Secret Training

I bet you get 3 punches (jab, cross, hook)
2 kicks (front and round)
1 elbow (horizontal)
and a sprawl.

(I can hear it coming now, yea right a friend) I had a friend that bought a series like the one here, is was a marine that was out of the service and was doing martial arts now. He was looking for the ultimite system, I told him there is now such animal. He kept refering to spec. ops and the like. I said don't but he put out something like 200 bucks for some junk like this, I asked him how were the tapes. He just walked away and wouldn't talk about it. I don't think he is putting out anymore $ now.
How much Top Secret Hand to Hand training does a Spec - Op guy need. Don't they carry guns.

Please don't think that this is in any way a substitute for Real Martial Arts Training, but there is a program called STARS that is taught to the SEALS. It is a short course, about a month of 12 hour days, designed to teach some basic combat fighting skills. It's not a sbustitute but at least it's real.
Personal experience to share:

I saw an add like that one - maybe not as extreme - it promised the same kind of stuff: "learn effective self defense in just a couple minutes" / "learn all the martial arts you'll ever need with just two video tapes" / etc.

It had a money back gaurantee, so I thought 'what the heck?'

I ordered, got the tapes, watched them, wasn't impressed, called them up to tell them so, and sent them back and got my money credited back to my bank account (minus shipping and handling of course). No big deal.

It's the same old thing, if you want to learn martial arts, dedicate yourself to real instruction with real people. If you want to suppliment them with instructional videos, go ahead.

You wanna know what "master-level self defense secrets" I saw on the tapes I ordered and then returned?

Finger jab to eyes or throat
Front snap kick to groin or knee
If someone has a gun - run zig-zag

+ maybe a couple other things of the same caliber.
Shizen Shigoku said:
You wanna know what "master-level self defense secrets" I saw on the tapes I ordered and then returned?

Finger jab to eyes or throat
Front snap kick to groin or knee
If someone has a gun - run zig-zag
Well, the first two, I think we all learned as white belts, no matter WHAT your style is!

As for the third, well all I can say is...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Shizen Shigoku said:
Personal experience to share:
If someone has a gun - run zig-zag

Theres a huge chain of schools in the city i'm in that do that. but they also give out black belts to 8 year olds and their bb test consists of almost exclusively pushups. so yeah i agree they teach total :bs:

though the tapes sound good for a few laughs
I bought the DVDs just to see what Mr X was selling and I returned them as they did not really convince me that the theories would work. There is no evidence that this system would work as described. On the other hand there are a lot of useless martial arts clubs that take your money and teach you nothing of value. My main concern here is that this guy offers a guarantee to refund you the money and although I have returned the dvds I have as yet not heard from him. has anyone else had the same problem? and does anyone have addresses for this Lt X that I can try as well as the one I already have ?
Cyprus said:
I bought the DVDs just to see what Mr X was selling and I returned them as they did not really convince me that the theories would work. There is no evidence that this system would work as described. On the other hand there are a lot of useless martial arts clubs that take your money and teach you nothing of value. My main concern here is that this guy offers a guarantee to refund you the money and although I have returned the dvds I have as yet not heard from him. has anyone else had the same problem? and does anyone have addresses for this Lt X that I can try as well as the one I already have ?
Don't get your hopes up. Just out of curiousity, what were some of the 'secret' techniques?
He cant say, because they could not tell him because of the secrecy. But they will ask for more funding to tell you more secrets that they can't say.
I completed the tapes this morning and have to admit that this is truly awsome. I could hardly wait to use my newfound skills so i cruised around some of the worst parts of my neighborhood hoping that some miscreant would try to accost me. I was passing what was obviously a tweekers house. I could tell by the neatly maqnicured lawn with every blade of grass the same precise length and every flower spaced evenly,the fence freshly painted, not a spot on the driveway or a weed to be seen. I just knew some kind of speed freek lived here, maybe even had a meth lab going. Just then the door opened and one of the dope fiends emerged. Oh this one was on the stuff real bad. I knew that speed really ages you but this guy looked like a 70 year old man, but I knew better than to underestimate the superhuman power of an addict hopped up on meth. I decided to play it cool and just observe his behaviour, so I picked up a newspaper and began pretending to read it. But he spotted me right away. I could see the look of irrational anger come over his face as he challenged me for being on his 'turf'. "Hey,that's my newspaper!"
Let me tell you even with my newfound incredible fighting skills I had a moment of misgiving. As he approached me in a croutch I realized he was carring a long stick with a wicked looking curved handle, and as he came towards me he kept tapping it menacingly on the ground beside him to intimidate me. Through the open front of his flapping bathrobe I saw that he was wearing BOXER shorts. I realized I might be in over my head, this was no orrdinary thug, he had fighting experience! Time stood still, would all those long minutes of training pay off? Would the technique I learned REALLY work? I was paralized, as he closed in for the 'kill', yelling obsenities. "Are you deaf? You little punk,I said that's my newspaper, give me that!" and then he grabbed the paper from my trembling hands. Suddenly the video training kicked in. It truly is hardwired into me. Like lightening my hand reached into my pocket and pulled out the gun, pushed it toward him and pulled the trigger. There was a defening blast, then a second of quiet. He stood there clutching the newspaper to his chest, then collapsed at my feet. I was amazed at how easy it was. With almost no training and no effort on my part I had used the technique to dispatch a violent criminal who was threatening my life. Thankyou Lt. X. I'll fear no man ever again. No more atomic wedgies for this boy!
I knew that speed really ages you but this guy looked like a 70 year old man, but I knew better than to underestimate the superhuman power of an addict hopped up on meth.
Class piece of writing!
GaryM said:
I completed the tapes this morning and have to admit that this is truly awsome. I could hardly wait ...

You certainly do have err umm...talent and it wasn't from those tapes! Enjoyed it! TW
GaryM said:
I completed the tapes this morning and have to admit that this is truly awsome. I could hardly wait to use my newfound skills so i cruised around some of the worst parts of my neighborhood hoping that some miscreant would try to accost me. I was passing what was obviously a tweekers house. I could tell by the neatly maqnicured lawn with every blade of grass the same precise length and every flower spaced evenly,the fence freshly painted, not a spot on the driveway or a weed to be seen. I just knew some kind of speed freek lived here, maybe even had a meth lab going. Just then the door opened and one of the dope fiends emerged. Oh this one was on the stuff real bad. I knew that speed really ages you but this guy looked like a 70 year old man, but I knew better than to underestimate the superhuman power of an addict hopped up on meth. I decided to play it cool and just observe his behaviour, so I picked up a newspaper and began pretending to read it. But he spotted me right away. I could see the look of irrational anger come over his face as he challenged me for being on his 'turf'. "Hey,that's my newspaper!"
Let me tell you even with my newfound incredible fighting skills I had a moment of misgiving. As he approached me in a croutch I realized he was carring a long stick with a wicked looking curved handle, and as he came towards me he kept tapping it menacingly on the ground beside him to intimidate me. Through the open front of his flapping bathrobe I saw that he was wearing BOXER shorts. I realized I might be in over my head, this was no orrdinary thug, he had fighting experience! Time stood still, would all those long minutes of training pay off? Would the technique I learned REALLY work? I was paralized, as he closed in for the 'kill', yelling obsenities. "Are you deaf? You little punk,I said that's my newspaper, give me that!" and then he grabbed the paper from my trembling hands. Suddenly the video training kicked in. It truly is hardwired into me. Like lightening my hand reached into my pocket and pulled out the gun, pushed it toward him and pulled the trigger. There was a defening blast, then a second of quiet. He stood there clutching the newspaper to his chest, then collapsed at my feet. I was amazed at how easy it was. With almost no training and no effort on my part I had used the technique to dispatch a violent criminal who was threatening my life. Thankyou Lt. X. I'll fear no man ever again. No more atomic wedgies for this boy!
That was my granddad...:wah:
That was my granddad...:wah:
My condolences, but self-defense is self-defense. At least he went out with a quick death, thanks to the super effective system of special operations combatives that GaryM applied.
Hello, Great ad? How many people do you think order the package? It shows people want short cuts? " Curiosty usually kills the cat".

I admit years ago, I would have order it! Best thing is keep up your training and train harder! Bottom Secret is the bottom line, almost as good as the Top Secret? Work your bottoms off and the real "Secret" will be found! ....Aloha

The real "Secret" ...we all know the answer for our improvement in our martial arts? ...... H A R D W O R K !!!! (this is top secret).......Try to keeps this quite ! .......Aloha
WOW Lt. X, this guy must have been in the army but seems like he knows little about the martial arts