Tokyo struck by 6.1 Earthquake - not an aftershock

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
The news from Japan just keeps getting worse...

The 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck at 10:31 p.m. local time, 42 kilometers (26 miles) northeast of Shizuoka, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Chubu Electric Power Co.’s Hamaoka Nuclear Plant, about 100 kilometers from the epicenter, was unaffected by an earthquake, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said in an e-mailed statement. The plant’s No. 4 and No. 5 units are still operating, it said.
The quake, which authorities didn’t characterize as an aftershock, came as hundreds of thousands of people faced freezing temperatures tonight with no power. Stocks slumped yesterday after the news that a third explosion and fire struck Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima plant, and supermarkets reported panic buying.
Anyone happen to know the technical difference between an earthquake and an aftershock?
According to Wikipedia:
An aftershock is a smaller earthquake that occurs after a previous large earthquake, in the same area of the main shock. If an aftershock is larger than the main shock, the aftershock is redesignated as the main shock and the original main shock is redesignated as a foreshock. Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes formed as the crust around the displaced fault plane adjusts to the effects of the main shock.
Um, but, what is the time limit?
I guess because it did not happen on the same fault as the others. Japan is still experiencing aftershocks from that one. This one was different, because it was located in a different place, if I understand it correctly.
I guess because it did not happen on the same fault as the others. Japan is still experiencing aftershocks from that one. This one was different, because it was located in a different place, if I understand it correctly.

That's correct. After and foreshocks happen as part of the movement of the main quake.
I expect they will endure as much as they have to.
I dont expect the Japanese peopel to just pack it in and give up anytime soon.
I would also guess that a 6.1 probably isnt going to do much more for them then rattle nerves at this point.
I think that most of their societys infrastructure is prepared to withstand that level of earthquake.
I expect they will endure as much as they have to.
I dont expect the Japanese peopel to just pack it in and give up anytime soon.

Sadly, they've had a lot of practice in endurance of natural disasters in their history. LINK At least they won't be massacring Koreans this time...
Sadly, they've had a lot of practice in endurance of natural disasters in their history. LINK At least they won't be massacring Koreans this time...

The right wing here in Japan is still very nationalistic and tends to like to blame the majority of crime on foreigners living among the Japanese. Posters printed by the police departments warning people about fraud, identity theft, scams or drugs more often than not warn against "foreign crime". I still recall a few years back when the Governor of the Tokyo region publicly announced that he fully expected the foreign community in Tokyo to begin rioting the next time there was a big quake.

But so far everything I`ve seen has made me very proud to be here among my Japanese neighbors. Well, almost everything. I`ve seen some brave, hard-working, and very noble reporters out in the field. I`ve also seen a few whom I`m sure have been spared a good beating simply because everyone has too much else on their minds at the moment.

We thank you for your prayers and your help. It`s going to be a long road back, but we`ll get there.

Dave Young
Sapporo, Japan