06-29-2007 06:12 PMChizikunboIn Soo Bahk Do Tang Soo Do Volume 1 Hwang Kee lists the following forms (starting at #26)...I believe he knew all of these forms by one way or another, I dont feel he would have listed them only for purposes of them being listed. After all this was a text about HIS art. If we remember in his 1995 History of the Moo Duk Kwan GM tells us that while working on the railroad in Seoul beginning 1936, he spent most of his time studying the the library, he studied “texts on Japanese Karate” so texts is plural, I believe this would have given GM plenty of forms to learn, because lets say he studied Gichin Funakoshi's 1922 “Ryukyu Kenpo: Karate” he would have learned many forms in detail. Also he was among the other Kwan leaders often and probably learned forms here and there from them, and also by watching demonstrations...Today there are lots of things not taught in the MDK that exist, and lots of things that have been all together dropped...
- Chil Sung Il Rho
- Chil Sung Ee Rho
- Chil Sung Sam Rho
- Chil Sung Sa Rho
- Chil Sung Oh Rho
- Chil Sung Yuk Rho
- Chil Sung Chil Rho
- Hwa Sun 1(demonstrated in volume 2)
- Hwa Sun 2 (taught to childans recently, and demonstrated in atlantic city by GM himself)
- Yuk Rho Chodan
- Yuk Rho Eedan
- Yuk Rho Samdan
- Yuk Rho Sadan
- Yuk Rho Ohdan
- Yuk Rho Yukdan
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 1
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 2
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 3
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 4
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 5
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 6
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 7
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 8
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 9
- Ship Dahn Kuhm 10
- Kicho Il Bu
- Kicho Ee Bu
- Kicho Sahm Bu
- Pyong Ahn Chodan
- Pyong Ahn Eedan
- Pyong Ahn Samdan
- Pyong Ahn Sadan
- Pyong Ahn Ohdan
- Bassai Dae
- Passai So
- Chin Do
- Oh Ship Sa Bo
- Wang Shu
- Tjin
- So Rim Jang Kwon
- Dam Toi
- Kong San Kun Dae
- Kong San Kun So
- Rohaee Chodan
- Rohaee Eedan
- Rohaee Samdan
- Ee Ship Sa
- Woon Shu
- Tsan Tjin
- Jun Jang
- Ssi San
- Ssi Boai
- Bae Rin Bba
- SsanSsi Bbai
- Seisan
- Sojin
- Sai Hoo Ah
- Goo Reung Hoo Ah
- Jin Toi
- Ji-on
- Tae Keuk Kwon
- Nae Bboo Jin Chodan
- Nae Bboo Jin Eedan
- Nae Bbo Jin Samdan
“The next volume will be devoted to advanced forms and sparring techniques: Naihanji Eedan, Naihanji Samdan, Sip Soo, Jindo, Kong San Kun, Sei Shan, Wangshu, Jion, O-sip Sa Bo, Tae Keuk Kwon, So Rim Jang Kwon, S-ojin, Sippal, E-sip sa, Woon Shu”
So we can add to the above list of forms
- Sippal
- Sip Soo
I also find it interesting that volume two would have started with Naehanji Eedan, and yet Naihanji Chodan was not shown in volume 1....We also know that at one time Hwang Kee was teaching Bassai So, I know this because it was related to Master Penfil by Kwan Jang Nim C.I. Kim, but he stopped teaching it. I think that the statement that GM knew more than 100 forms would have also included his moo pal dan kuhm, and moon pal dahn kuhm exercises.06-29-2007 02:27 PM
Let me begin with numbers 1-25 are not in the Soo Bahk Do Dae Gam(1970) so although GM knew them, they were his own. As for Hyung he actually learned, however which way he learned them, be it by person or book....these are what he knew:
- Kicho Il Bu Tae Geuk Cho Dan Yes
- Kicho Ee Bu Tae Geuk Ee Dan Yes
- Kicho Sahm Bu Tae Geuk Sam Dan Yes
- Pyong Ahn Chodan Pyung Ahn Cho Dan Yes
- Pyong Ahn Eedan Pyung Ahn Ee Dan Yes
- Pyong Ahn Samdan Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Yes
- Pyong Ahn Sadan Pyung Ahn Sa Dan Yes
- Pyong Ahn Ohdan Pyung Ahn Oh Dan Yes
- Bassai Dae Pal Chae Dae Yes
- Passai So Pal Chae So (if same as CS Kim's, then No)
- Chin Do Jin Dang(Jindo is Okinawan name) Yes
- Oh Ship Sa Bo Oh Ship Sa Bo Yes
- Wang Shu Wang Shu Yes
- Tjin Ja Yoon (Jiin is Okinawan name) No
- So Rim Jang Kwon So Rim Jang Kwon Yes
- Dam Toi Dam De Yes
- Kong San Kun Dae Kong Sang Goon Dae Yes
- Kong San Kun So Kong Sang Goon So No
- Rohaee Chodan No Pae Cho Dan(HK learned Matsubayashi Rohai)No
- Rohaee Eedan No Pae Ee Dan No
- Rohaee Samdan No Pae Sam Dan No
- Ee Ship Sa Ee Ship Sa Just Direction
- Woon Shu Woon Soo Yes
- Tsan Tjin Sam Jung (Sanchin is Ok. Name) No
- Jun Jang Jun Jang (Tensho in Karate) No
- Ssi San Ship Sam (Matsumura style) No
- Ssi Boai Ship Pal (just direction, not the meaning)
- Bae Rin Bba (gotta ask on this one again(?Suparinpei?)) No
- SsanSsi Bbai Sam Ship Pal No
- Seisan Jung Sam(Itosu Sip Sam) Yes
- Sojin Jang Jin (Sojin is Ok. name) Maybe Dir.
- Sai Hoo Ah Chae Pa (Saifa in Jp/Ok) No
- Goo Reung Hoo Ah Goo Reung Hoo Ah No
- Jin Toi Ship Soo(Soo Sul is old name) Yes
- Ji-on Ja Eum (Jion is Jp/Ok name) Yes
- Tae Keuk Kwon Tai Chi Chuan (Chinese Yang style) Yes
- Nae Bboo Jin Chodan Nei Bo Jin(Nai Han Ji) Cho Dan Yes
- Nae Bboo Jin Eedan NBJ Ee Dan Yes
- Nae Bbo Jin Samdan NBJ Sam Dan Yes
with that heres the list:
Tae Geuk 1-3
Pyung Ahn 1-5
Bassai Dae-So
Oh Ship Sa Bo
Wang Shu
So Rim Jang Kwon
Dam De
Kong Sang Goon Dae
Rohai (Matsubayashi Ryu)
Woon Soo
Sei Shan (Matsumura style)
Ship Soo
Tai Chi Chuan
Naihanji 1-3
and the direction without meaning of Ship Pal, Ee Ship Sa and Sojin.
the original number is 25, with 3 he wasn't sure about.
remember, he learned in china, so any Jp/Ok forms he learned weren't quite the same for his as those who studied in Japan, hence the push he made to create his own(Chil Sung, Yuk Ro, etc.), which are more CHinese influenced.