martin watts
White Belt
I am currently interested in any studies which show the theraputic aspects of martial arts training as a comparison with other sports activities - particularly in the field of child development.
I have seen and article on a hong kong psychotherapist site here
Dimensions Centre - Private Psychology Counseling & Therapy
which references a study on tae kwon do as a comparison with straight gym exercises.
Does anyone else know any studies specifically comparing martial arts training with other forms of exercises?
I am currently interested in any studies which show the theraputic aspects of martial arts training as a comparison with other sports activities - particularly in the field of child development.
I have seen and article on a hong kong psychotherapist site here
Dimensions Centre - Private Psychology Counseling & Therapy
which references a study on tae kwon do as a comparison with straight gym exercises.
Does anyone else know any studies specifically comparing martial arts training with other forms of exercises?