The typical male/female

Do you think you're a typical female/male?

  • Yes/almost

  • Maybe/sort of

  • No/not really

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Typical male: doesn't show emotional side/cry, loves sports, is into cars, is a T or A man, egotistical

Typical female: emotional, not aggressive, is into fashion, doesn't appear intelligent

Do you think you fit the description of a typical female/male? Want to add to the descriptions?

I bring this up because I'm tired of "guy" magazines like Maxim and Stuff that paint guys as stereotypes. Sorry, but for the most part, I do not think the way typical males are portrayed. I've also skimmed a few "women's magazines", and were appalled at those as well. Free speech and all, but I think dissolving such stereotypes would be a good thing.
Interesting that you should post this. I was just talking with co-workers (female). One was describing how her guy treated her, and how she thought that ALL men acted that way. She's 37 and thinks that ALL men are pigs....( sorry her words were Players )

I suppose that treating women with respect, having interests outside of sports, cars, T & A, etc., shows that you are not a REAL man.

I vote we start a new species...the Un-Real Man.

First Member.
( My two sons will be second and third members! )
I WANNA be a stereotypical guy...

Women seem to respect them.

depends on the situation... but I don't cry easily, and it takes a hell of a lot to piss me off.... but when I'm pissed, stay out of the crossfire.

not aggressive

see above statement about when I'm pissed...

is into fashion

not really. I wear clothes that I think I look good in, but I will never wear something simply because its "in style" because there are many styles that just look...bad.

doesn't appear intelligent

I've got a 4.0 in grad school and I'm damn proud of it!

I also don't have a problem with murdering insects on my own if they happen to be crawling someplace they shouldn't, like in my bathroom or across the kitchen counter... however, I'm usually the type who will attempt an insect rescue and deposit the trespasser outside if at all possible.

I must admit to a weakness for small furry critters, however. I recently did something quite stereotypically female and rescued two small, adorable rodents from becoming my friend's snake's lunch. The wee beasties now reside in a cage on top of my file cabinet.


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Originally posted by Technopunk
I WANNA be a stereotypical guy...

Women seem to respect them.

I agree with you here. When I was single I couldn't get a date to save my life. Personally I don't feel that I fit into the stereotype but I did see a bunch of a******'s getting the hot women and they treated women like dirt. Couldn't figure it out then and don't now to this day.:confused:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I agree with you here. When I was single I couldn't get a date to save my life. Personally I don't feel that I fit into the stereotype but I did see a bunch of a******'s getting the hot women and they treated women like dirt. Couldn't figure it out then and don't now to this day.:confused:

I think women subconciously want to be treated like crap. Most women I've met don't like who they are and so being treated badly feeds their self-deprecation.

Like what happened to me last weekend: my girlfriend broke up with me after 8 months because she felt that she wasn't good enough for me and that I could do better. After much convincing that she was the one I was interested in, it looks like way may end up getting back together, but I guess I just didn't treat her badly enough to be a serious boyfriend.

me + women = :confused:
Originally posted by FiveSwords
I think women subconciously want to be treated like crap. Most women I've met don't like who they are and so being treated badly feeds their self-deprecation.

I had one of those as well. It lasted 4 months but I'm glad that it wasn't a lot more time. I just don't understand the female mind hardly at all.:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I agree with you here. When I was single I couldn't get a date to save my life. Personally I don't feel that I fit into the stereotype but I did see a bunch of a******'s getting the hot women and they treated women like dirt. Couldn't figure it out then and don't now to this day.:confused:

*L...soo true...but you matter how hot she is...someone, somewhere is tired of her crap...*LOL
Originally posted by Ender
*L...soo true...but you matter how hot she is...someone, somewhere is tired of her crap...*LOL

:rofl: I have heard that before but forgot about it. This reminds me of a guy I work with. His wife had traded numerous times up to an 8k ring. She had her eyes set on the 13k ring. After careful examination he finally decided it was time to let her go. One of her last words were something like "You don't make enough money to keep me" or something to that affect.:confused:
its not that women want men to treat them badly...

Its that women look for a good balance between the "me tarzan you jane" neanderthal, and the sensitive, romantic wimp. The guys who lean more towards the wimp side (not that they're actually wimpy... its just that letting a woman ALWAYS have her way is unattractive... stand up for yourselves!) get the line "you're so nice...but I think of you as a brother!" The guys who lean towards the neanderthal side get all the chicks... but... the chicks don't stay with them. Women don't like to be treated badly, but we don't like men to be pushovers and always give in either. If someone is too nice and always lets me have my way all the time, it isn't easy to respect that person, because they don't stand up for themselves. I like a good debate every once in a while. "yes men" aren't attractive.

I don't know if that makes any sense... its kind of like a zebra trying to explain to an elephant what its like to be a zebra... the zebra can talk all it wants to, but the elephant is never really going to understand, and vice versa.
The women I have dated in life so far all came back to say the same thing "You like karate too much" or "I wish you'd spend as much time with me as you do with karate" or my favorite "You only have karate buddies can't you go out and make new friends".:rofl: I think this is hilariou, sorry but I do. I always come home every night. Don't go to bars. Stay at home until it's time for class and that now is only once a week for 2 hrs and yet I still get "You are always at karate" thing.:( Anyway enough for a rant should have been in the venting room.:shrug:
two hours a week is perfectly reasonable.

trying to take a guy away from what he loves doing is just plain stupid. you can't change who someone is. you can ADAPT to each other by changing little behavioral patterns... (for example, I absolutely HATE rap music... I don't care if he likes it, just don't play it while I'm around, and I won't inflict my classic rock or country music on him... ya gotta find a way to compromise, like listening with headphones if your choice of music drives your partner nuts)

There is a large difference, however, between compromising WHAT you do and WHO you are.

you can't change big things like:

1. who his friends are and his relationships with them
2. who his family are and his relatioships with them
3. his personality
4. his favorite things to do
5. his favorite sports teams
Yeah, I'm pretty much all male, and possess all of those stereotypical guy traits. I'm just a dude. But then again I grew up with a bunch of female type siblings, err, sisters, so I think that's tainted me because I guess I sport a sensitive side too... :barf:

:rolleyes: :D
I voted "Maybe/Sort of". I can be emotional about certain things and I'm not really aggressive. I don't care for or follow fashion (I just wear what's comfortable and looks nice). I don't appear intelligent to some people because I don't watch the news (too depressing with so much killings, etc.) so I'm not as aware of what goes on in the world as I could be.

No women wants to be treated like dirt, by the way. And I hope whoever will be my future husband will be into martial arts! (Even if it's a different art than mine.) I also hope he'll really love it like I do. Not ALL women would try to discourage their husbands to get out of the dojo. (Actually, my dad gets aggravated at my mom and I for being at Aikido 2 nights a week. It's frustrating for us so I feel for you!)

Robyn :asian:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon

No women wants to be treated like dirt, by the way.

I'd agree with this, I mean who does, but the question remains, WHY DO THEY STAY WITH THE GUYS WHO DO??

I'll Illustrate my point with two female friends neither of whom I dated, but I no longer speak to because of their choices in men.

The First one "Pam" was seeing this guy who tried to controll her life... telling her who she could and could not hang out with. She left him because of that. A few days later he called and said he realized what he was doing and wouldnt do it anymore... She bad about it and went back to him. I asked her to get together for coffee one night (something we used to do all the time) and she told me she couldnt, he wouldnt like her spending time with another guy... I told her flat out that that was a BS argument, and that he was still controlling her if she let him do that... And she made excuses for him. I dont talk to her anymore, but my roommate saw her last week, they are apparently still together.

The Second was "Kris"... she had moved away, but we had plans to get together for her birthday, since both of us were going to be in Las Vegas the same weekend. We went to meet up with her and she never showed up. Later I find out that her Boyfriend (whom i hear she is now married to) wouldnt LET her meet up with us, becuase "she shouldnt see other guys, even male friends" and he threatened to break up with her if she met with us out there.

I have plenty of other stories about buthead men, and the women who love being treated like feces by them... but those are the two that spring to mind most readily... about girls who i didnt date. (plenty of them about Ex-gf's, but hey, that'd just be sour grapes, wouldnt it?)
Originally posted by KenpoTess
*maniacal laughter* Me? Typical......... well I tend to think I'm your average female.. guess I'll let the guys that know me answer for me :)

typically insane....:rofl:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
now that's not a typical guy for you :)

I'm anything but. No hunting, fishing, golfing, beer drinking, bar hopping, uncleanly, etc. for me.