The typical male/female

Do you think you're a typical female/male?

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  • Maybe/sort of

  • No/not really

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Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I'm anything but. No hunting, fishing, golfing, beer drinking, bar hopping, uncleanly, etc. for me.

yeah I don't hunt, though I do like salt water fishing.. boats etc.. but I'm not one for standing on the riverbank with a rod and catching a fish I won't eat .. *something about fresh water fish :shrug:

Not a beer drinker.. not a bar hopper either.. haven't been to a bar in *tries to remember.. a few years for sure.. I do love to dance.. but yeah right.. not gonna happen round here~!!!

I despise Shopping.. I goink when I need new anythings* I look at the price and freak.. when did a bra get to be $10 bucks!~!! Nope.. I am not your typical female.
hmm... typical woman...

do typical women jump out of airplanes? if yes, then perhaps I'm more typical than I'd originally thought.
Originally posted by Nightingale
do typical women jump out of airplanes? if yes, then perhaps I'm more typical than I'd originally thought.

I'll pass. Kinda like to keep my feet firm on the ground.

Congrats. on your new MT belt.:D
Me? Typical? Haha! I consider myself a tomboy...ah well, better than a clone :p
Same here.......tomboy for sure!! Have always loved the outdoors, don't mind getting dirty.......when I was little, I climbed trees, rode bikes and skateboards- maybe this has to do with growing up with an older brother. As an adult, I still love the outdoors- camping, hiking, fishing (taught by my Dad), skiing......and of course the martial arts!! I have my feminine side of course, but I don't think it is typical in a lot of ways......especially when it comes to fashion- I just like to wear what is comfortable most of the time......which to me is usually jeans and a sweatshirt/t-shirt. I will dress up for special occassions though. As for getting my hair and nails done and having to go to the tanning booth all the time (which I view as stereotypical female things)- I cut my own hair, I don't remember what long nails are like since I have been in martial arts for so long and if I have a tan, it's from being out in the good ol' sun and forgetting my sunscreen!!

I guess the best answer for me is that I am a very casual, fun-loving female!! Fortunately, I married someone who also has a love for the it works out well!!

:asian: :karate:
I'm not even close to your typical female and I don't like butthead guys either!
I don't think I'm a stereotypical female.

I was always a tomboy growing up and I still couldn't care less about fashion 90% of time. Today for instance I wore blue martial arts gi pants with a 5 year old black sweatshirt to school. Not exactly high fashion but I'm comfortable. Once in a while I can get dressed up and can look feminine for a special occassion, but it totally freaks out everyone I know. At the moment I also have my hair literally buzzed off. (No. 2 on the back and sides no. 6 on top) I used to have really long hair but this is way easier. I don't have to do anything to it. I've spent the last two summers as a mililtary interpreter where I pretend to be a male soldier in the army of 1867 and I fire cannons and rifles and stuff. And of course I do martial arts.

I'm not aggressive but I also won't take crap from people and there's not way I'm going to let any guy treat me badly. It's all about balance. Don't want a complete push-over either. I'd like a guy that's into martial arts as well.

I'm known for being very practical and I think most people see me as fairly intelligent. I'm at a good university and doing well there.

I have my emotional moments when I'm at home watching a sappy movie or something but most of the time I don't show much emotion publically. People often make comments about how I seem pretty laid back.

So overall. No, I don't think I'm a typical woman. :asian:
If most of the people who knew me saw me all dolled up with formal wear and crap, I think they might die of shock!

And formal wear doesn't consist of my hooker....erm, colorguard YEAH COLORGUARD! uniform....:p
Originally posted by Palusut
Hi KenpoTess,

No, I was just showing us typical male's attention span and manners:) .



ahhh.. Ok.. *G* my monitor was in the way (moved it over) so I now see you sitting there with the remote in hand and scratching with your other one ;)

Whoa Tess - time for reaction chain illustration!!!

:) :eek: :D

Get the message?

Its okay Seig, I am just playing! KenpoTess is off the chains!!!
Originally posted by Palusut
Whoa Tess - time for reaction chain illustration!!!

:) :eek: :D

Get the message?

Its okay Seig, I am just playing! KenpoTess is off the chains!!!

*rubs head where I got swatted with the stupid stick today* Giggles.. uhhhhhh 'Splain yourself ~!