:asian:Originally posted by Goldendragon7
It certainly is nice to see the kind comments from you all concerning the book. Many of you have expressed a desire to obtain an autograph for your book, well you do have a few choices...
1) go to a Seminar where the individuals are and get the book signed....
2) mail the book to each individual and ask for a signature (I'm sure all would be glad to do that) include reverse postage.
3) E~MAIL OR WRITE EACH and ask for an autograph in a return email or send a stamped addressed return envelope in which the honoree can autograph a piece of plain paper and you can insert it into "your Journey" until you can get your actual book signed.
How Bout that for an option!! (E~graphs or Mail~Graphs) LOL...... make sure you let everyone know where it came from please.
Love ya all!!
The Emperor, aka Goldendragon7, aka Mr. C, aka Big D,
I have a BETTER idea, how about yourself and the other great masters come to Australia and sign my book for me in person and do a little seminar.