The IMAF, INC Web page is up!!!!

A banner only. I would not call that up and running. I hope that changes soon!
Was a banner there earlier.

Now has some limited info.
Well Excuse me!!!

I just mentioned that the site was up. Besides all that, with all due respects to the Renegade, before the passing of the Professor in August, the last thing interesting that appeared on, occurred on Nov 29, 2000.:eek: :boing1:

Thought it was a single page, they did however, include their mission statement, and gave details of what occured during the camp and memorial service, which I appreciated, since I was not able to attend.

Wow Gatorade,
You sound a little defensive, threatened perhaps. It is still a work in progress. :hammer: :moon:
Hmmm.....Hammer-Moon.... is that some weird Martialarts / Anime cross over?

Reni up there probly hit the site when it first went up, and his browser cache didn't refresh. Happens alot when using sucky mico$oft bloatwear.
I use Netscape navigator and when I go to that sight the ONLY thing that shows up on my browser is the banner!!!

I don't feel threatend but when I'm informed that a sight is up I expect more that that. Since Palsut mentioned that the mission statment was up so I check the site with an other browser and it was there. I have already e-mail Randi about the problem. Don't be so willing to jump. That's my job!!!

I feel your pain, Renegade. I also use Navigator instead of MacroSuck Internet Exploiter. What version of Netscape are you using...4.x? If so, I'm willing to bet that Netscape 6.x/Mozilla would display the page properly.

I have not updates in the news section because I've been helping the webmaster with this site and making sure that Modern Arnis was part of it! You may rest well knowing that there will be plenty of updates come.
:armed: :moon: :samurai:
Hmm... maybe sites only optimized for Micro$soft Incontinet Exploiter?

Bad JuJu...Bad.

I :fart: in the general direction of M$ only sites!
If you're like me, and REALLY don't want to use IE, you can just view the page source in Netscape 4.x and see the mission statement that way.

It comes down to web design. I use to have friends do my site for free and I get problems like this. That is why I have a pro do my sight.

I have heard of overzealous webmasters making webpages that get people into trouble based on what is on there.

In all truth, it's best to get a pro to do it if you can afford to do it and have the need. The professional look is always appreciated and makes the people look good.

Otherwise you get some crappy looking site like mine that makes people wonder if I'm retarded...

I'm not by the matter what they tell you...
Well, viewed in Exploder, it looks nice. Much nicer than the other IMAF site.
Of course I'm sure!
Well...I'm pretty sure...
:confused: that I think about it I really don't have any proof that I'm not...
Originally posted by Renegade
It comes down to web design. I use to have friends do my site for free and I get problems like this. That is why I have a pro do my sight.

Smart move. I cannot see the site in Netscape but can in Explorer. From the site (this is not all of it):



Founder & Grandmaster "Professor" Remy Amador Presas established the International Modern Arnis Federation (IMAF) to perpetuate Modern Arnis worldwide. The IMAF will provide for the ethical governance and implementation of Modern Arnis training. The IMAF will provide for the disciplined, rigorous, and systematic training in Modern Arnis, to include (1) the Way of the FLOW, and (2) the Art of Tapi Tapi.

The IMAF will provide leadership, growth, and comprehensive mental and physical training in the Remy Presas Modern Arnis system in its entirety. The IMAF member arnisador will learn to embrace and apply the Way of the FLOW in Life. Ultimately the Modern Arnis practitioner will learn (1) self-discovery and self-control, (2) achieve personal excellence, and (3) gain self-mastery, in the face of Life's daily uncertainties, challenges, and opportunities.

Arnis Fest 2001 - Premiere Modern Arnis Memorial Camp a HUGE Success!

On October 19th-21st, 2001, the International Modern Arnis Federation (IMAF) held its inaugural annual memorial training camp in Orland Park, IL, in honor of its Founder and Grandmaster Remy Amador Presas. Arnis Fest 2001 brought together over fifty (50) participants for its three-day intensive Modern Arnis training conducted by the Masters of Tapi Tapi and assisted by other senior black belts.
Hey MOO!

Can you please teach me how to "face life's uncertainties"? A great curriculum, no doubt!! I can totally picture Chuck Gauss meditating under a waterfall!!!


I'm glad the rest of those guys have stepped out from behind JD.
Originally posted by Icepick
I'm glad the rest of those guys have stepped out from behind JD.

Wouldn't it be great if they could ally themselves with the Presas children! Presumably the two styles, classical Modern Arnis in the Philippines and modern Modern Arnis in the states, are too dissimilar.

I will settle for becoming Netscape-friendly...
Temper, temper Regenade. Don't be so ready to go off! My, how stereotypically New Yorker of you. Now remember, I'm from there too so I can say that. :boing2: :uzi: