

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
hi, everyone.

I just wanted to thank everyone for making this forum such a nice place to be. I like it that when I post here, I don't get flamed, criticised for my political views, religion, gender, or otherwise harassed, and I don't see it happening to anyone else either. If any of you have been monitoring the "other" kenpo board, you know what I'm talking about.

I just wanted to tell everyone that I really appreciate the attitudes of the people here. Even if we don't agree, we can usually find a way to discuss and listen, and that's so very important. :asian:

I guess what I'm trying to say is


hugs to everyone!
-Nightingale (Kris)

I'm so glad that you posted this one. I always want to say something like this but never say it out because I don't think the words come from me (mixed with Chi-glish and Min-glish) would be as pretty as yours. :D
Every morning, the first thing I do is to wake up my lap-top and open this page to check out who are in there and what the new posts are. Reading those posts with my morning tea (with sugar and cream ;) yes, not many Chinese drink tea like I do), my homemade snacks, and my favorite Gipsy Kings' music, I just can't be happier. :boing2: :boing2: :boing2:


please don't be afraid to post! what makes words "pretty" is the feelings behind them, not the words themselves...and actually writing something is the best way to improve your writing!

best wishes!

Well, I have enjoyed many, many posts on here. This has truly been a propserous and growing year for me in kenpo. I would like to thank everyone who posts and exchanges ideas on this forum. It is a good feeling to see people get along without all of the garbage on other forums.
Jason Farnsworth
I'll Speak for myslef on this and say that it is all of you who post that make this a good place to be. Yes we have disagreements with each other from time to time BUT that is part of the reason we are here. The disagreements point out the differences in styles, training, and basic outlook on life.
Most of the times we can agree to disagree in a respectful manor.
Everyone has their own view point and is allowed to express it. What is frowned upon is the person who tryes to shove his or her view point on everyone else. Healthy disscussions are the way we learn and differing views may open our eyes to new ideas.
Again my thanks to all who contribute with the open attitute of learning and friendship

and my favorite Gipsy Kings' music, I just can't be happier.

Oooh, the Gipsy Kings!!! Good choice, in fact thanks for the reminder, I think I'll go lose myself in some flamenco guitar now.

Originally posted by nightingale8472

I just wanted to thank everyone for making this forum such a nice place to be. I like it that when I post here, I don't get flamed, criticised for my political views, religion, gender, or otherwise harassed, and I don't see it happening to anyone else either. If any of you have been monitoring the "other" kenpo board, you know what I'm talking about.

I just wanted to tell everyone that I really appreciate the attitudes of the people here. Even if we don't agree, we can usually find a way to discuss and listen, and that's so very important. :asian:

YOU are just as responsible, and it's just as much appreciated.
Ditto. This forum is only as good as its members, and I personally think we have the best bunch going. :)

I agree with everyone about the atmosphere here for the most part. Although I have seen some flame wars occour here too (not very often though).

The thing is... you can't post annonymously here, that cuts out alot of the childish crap. The registration process for this board also helps weed out most of the bad apples, because nobody wants to go through that much work to be a door knob for a few minutes.

Oh well... those are my two cents,

P.S. Min, keep posting!!! You have a good soul... and I enjoy reading your posts. Kris, you too!!! :asian:
Just want to add that this forum is a great resource for information. Being allowed to post your views without fear of being completely flamed has a lot to do with it. I really haven't seen any other forum for MA of this caliber. Great job to all.

Okay that's more love than I can handle. Gota go.:D
Yeah, I feel the love. It is truly great.

I agree with what has already been posted. This forum is one of the most educated (both in martial arts and in general), well-spoken group of people that I have been involved with. The people here generally have a really good sense of humor, and, with a few exceptions, seem pretty level in their temperment.

This is a *really* nice break from the flame wars and immature behavior of many other forumns. Not to mention that the people here are just plain cool....;)

I put in my thanks as well. Thanks for sharing the ideas and your opinions, guys. It has made Martial Talk a welcome place for truly decent discussion.


I agree with all that has been said. I have quit the other forums, generally due to the flaming and general lack of respect all the way around. Even being a Tracy's guy, basically, I feel welcome here ... Even by those who I disagree with or who disagree with me. The one saving grace of this place is that we can disagree and still all go home without feeling pummeled and beat on ...

Thanks to all who have made this a great place to be. And a very special thanks to my very good friend, Dennis ... er... Something or other! :lol: :lol: :lol: You know I'm only goofing Conatser!


Dan Farmer
with the exceptioin of a few rotten apples in the basket this forum is tops!! lol


ps Dan,......... you know you wouldn't have it any other way!!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

with the exceptioin of a few rotten apples in the basket this forum is tops!! lol


ps Dan,......... you know you wouldn't have it any other way!!

This is getting to be tooooooo much, Rotten Apple?

The Fight in Las Vegas is on! Start getting your "Cut Man" ready!:soapbox:
This group is great.. Not many places you can voice your opinions and mingle with the Seniors and still be heard :)
I'm looking forward to meeting Dennis Conatser next week and it's all Thanks to this forum.
Flamewars come and go.. it's part of human nature unfortunately and there are always going to be rotten apples .. (remembers throwing them at a barn and my brother and watching em squish, as a kid) *chortles*
I'm not one for sappy stuff.. but I just loves ya all to pieces.. even after Dennis and Dan Farmer gave me my bodybuilding makeover.. hahaaa
You're All Good Peoples~!!!


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

with the exceptioin of a few rotten apples in the basket this forum is tops!! lol


I resemble that remark!

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