Tell me a story

Gordon Nore

Senior Master
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
I'll share a true story. If you have one to share please post it. Here's mine.

My parents, Gordon and Gwen, met at a small dinner on Christmas 'Eve, 1957, in Toronto. Both had family far away -- Gordon Sr was born Tofield, Alberta; Gwen in Lewisporte, Newfoundland.

Within a year they married and made plans to live out west. Gordon Sr found a job as a announcer at a CBC radio station in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. He headed out there, rented a house, and started his job. Gwen returned home to Newfoundland to settle her affairs there before she joined him.

Newfoundland had joined Canadian Confederation as a Province only a decade before in 1949. Now, ten years later, Newfoundland was to officially join this broadcast network. Announcers from west to east signed on and formally welcomed the Nascent province to the CBC broadcast family. The first voice heard on air that night was my father's.

Clear across the country, in St John's, Newfoundland, my Aunt Margaret rushed into my mother's room. "Gwennie, you've got to get up. Gordon's on the radio."

True story. I could not make up anything so beautiful, or so genuinely Canadian.