teaching in school



I am going to start teaching at my school like a small class for people to learn some MT i have been practising MT for two years but the kru who teaches me doesnt believe in awarding shorts or any other type of clothing etc which relates to how good you are or what level you are at but do any of you think 2 years of training is enough to teach some people the basics and do you need any type of certification to show you are able to teach ?
Well.... yes there is an instructors certification test (kru test) which is pretty intense. But I don't think it shows how capable a person is to teach....getting beat on doesn't help you teach the basics. The main question is..... is it formal training? Does your Kru think it's ok? If it's just you and a couple of buddies then who cares? But if you are going to teach strangers for money then you really shouldn't without being a certified instructor. If your Kru thinks its ok then it really doesn't matter.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I might teach about 5 people who are willing to learn properley because there are idiots out there who really just want to learn for going around acting tough and there wont be any money involved
Hey didn't you say you were 14? Hmmmm I would really talk to your kru about this first. He might be really ticked if he finds out your teaching without certification.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD