Sword & Hammer, Obscure Wing



These are the only 2 techs I've been taught that have a right
flank left shoulder grab. Both require a strike without really
looking behind you.

In thinking of a scenario that would give a purpose for this
defense, it all changes, and goes really really bad if the one
grabbing you is a cop, or buddy of yours. Maybe you're fighting
multiple attackers, and your buddy comes up puts his hand on
your shoulder to stop you from going to crazy on the attackers.
Maybe it's a cop, going "okay, that's enough!" (or the owner
of the establishment you're in club, bar, airport, whatever).

Share some ideas on when one should consider using one or the
other of these techs. I'd be just a little scared to ever use it,
personally. Enlighten me! :)
I was always taught to look before executing these techniques.

Take Care,
Billy Lear
Originally posted by Kirk

These are the only 2 techs I've been taught that have a right
flank left shoulder grab. Both require a strike without really
looking behind you.

In thinking of a scenario that would give a purpose for this
defense, it all changes, and goes really really bad if the one
grabbing you is a cop, or buddy of yours. Maybe you're fighting
multiple attackers, and your buddy comes up puts his hand on
your shoulder to stop you from going to crazy on the attackers.
Maybe it's a cop, going "okay, that's enough!" (or the owner
of the establishment you're in club, bar, airport, whatever).

Share some ideas on when one should consider using one or the
other of these techs. I'd be just a little scared to ever use it,
personally. Enlighten me! :)

Wrong......(don't know who taught you that one).........ALWAYS LOOK BEFORE YOU STRIKE!

Like you said you never know when your buddy is the one behind you.

Originally posted by AvPKenpo

Wrong......(don't know who taught you that one).........ALWAYS LOOK BEFORE YOU STRIKE!

Like you said you never know when your buddy is the one behind you.


That's pretty harsh, "eeehhhhhnnnt! you're wrong!", come on, it's not his fault it's the way he was taught.

I do agree however that you should be taught to look over the shoulder to make sure the opponent is there and to verify friend or foe.

Sorry it was in good humor.............I promise I'll play nice:D
Let me restate. At no time do I feel that a practitioner should ever throw a 'blind strike' you never know who is there, or what they are doing. This means on the street or in the ring. You should always be aware of who or what is around you. Its only smart. You can get yourself hurt, or you can hurt someone that is your friend.

I'm going to inquire about it again, given the responses here.
I know he doesn't stray from Huk's teachings, or tries his
darndest not to, anyways. Thanks for the replies.
Do inquire, because I don't think he meant for it to come across that way. I am sure he meant for you to look. I am curious to know.

Originally posted by kenpo3631
That's pretty harsh, "eeehhhhhnnnt! you're wrong!", come on, it's not his fault it's the way he was taught.

Funny joke.

"What's the first sentence that comes out of almost every Kenpo Senior's mouth?"

"That's wrong."

Ha ha ha ha!
I was taught look before I strike also but this could change due to environment, perception of where I was, who was around me etc.:jediduel:
We did it again today, and yes, look while striking is what I was
told. It's kind of simultaneous, but you should look in enough
time to see who it is, but also to prevent a right handed punch