sunday workout pic's



Howdy gang. Just thought I'd post a couple shots from our Sunday workout. Clyde, Billy, myself and Kris (who was strangely absent from the photos). Hmmmm...maybe she was being shy after Billy destroyed her wrist!

Clyde attempts to break Billy's arm to discourage any fiture "French Maid" pics


  • $billy clyde.gif
    $billy clyde.gif
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show's Billy the ropes on the Universal, white side showing.


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shows a path of action on an inward block


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looks on in bewilderment as Clyde takes another shot on his arm with no reaction.


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Those are too cool. Y'all are lucky to have so many around you
that wanna hang out and pound!
I wasn't in the pictures because you were posing everyone and didn't ASK me to be in the pictures! hmmph. LOL.
and you took those pics BEFORE Billy decided to inflict injury. (which STILL hurts, by the way...the doc looked at the x-ray and said "damn! that's gotta hurt! and I said "tell me it isn't broken" and he said "you're gonna wish it was. It would hurt less. Its a really nasty sprain, and those are worse than breaks") Billy, however, has groveled appropriately, and has been forgiven.... but he's not practicing any aikido locks on my hands anytime soon!:D
Looks like a fun time :)

I feel for you Nightingale~!! Ouch~!
Sure hope you feel better soon~!

That's a Great version of the Universal Web.. Love it~!!
Oh yeah and I have to get with you Ron.. Seig's been asking about the signage.. Been sooo busy with the other project I nearly forgot!

Hope all is well :)

Originally posted by KenpoTess

I feel for you Nightingale~!! Ouch~!
Sure hope you feel better soon~!

Its a lot better now than it was two weeks ago, that's for sure. I can now lift things weighing more than a pound or two without using ...colorful...language. It'll probably bug me for another three or four weeks, according to the doc, and that's provided I've been taking proper care of it, which, of course, I haven't (kenpo is NOT considered proper care). They actually debated over whether or not to put a cast on it, but I settled that one by saying "no way in hell. I ain't putting up with that!" so the doctors had to content themselves with a simple ace wrap. :D
Originally posted by nightingale8472

Its a lot better now than it was two weeks ago, that's for sure. I can now lift things weighing more than a pound or two without using ...colorful...language. It'll probably bug me for another three or four weeks, according to the doc, and that's provided I've been taking proper care of it, which, of course, I haven't (kenpo is NOT considered proper care). They actually debated over whether or not to put a cast on it, but I settled that one by saying "no way in hell. I ain't putting up with that!" so the doctors had to content themselves with a simple ace wrap. :D

Yeppers Nightingale.. Kenpo is Not proper care.. *chuckles knowingly* My first class I did a backfist drill.. smashed the top of my hand.. didn't even feel the pain it was sooo swollen.. Seig finally got me to the ER after 3 days.. bones has pre-set and all they could do was cast it.. it's always hurting.. broke 3 fingers on the same hand last May.. nothing but splinting them.. myself.. now I can't make a fist.. No ring except Seig's will go over those knuckles.. sheesh.. might as well sell my diamonds~!!! Course never any time to get dressed up to wear them.. sooo hahaaa..
Glad it's healing .. ~!!!!
Originally posted by KenpoTess

Oh *getting out the whiteout.. heheheee.. He'll never live that down.. *chortles~!!!
Thanks Nightingale.. we are made for each other heheee

that's obvious. you two were lucky to find each other. :)
