Sun Lutang said.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Xingyi emphasizes stability, Bagua agility, taiji tactics, their base theory is the same – developing the internal an using it to the fullest --- Sun Lutang

This, sounds to me like it go along with what I have been told and how I feel about the 3 styles; Taijiquan yields and blends where Baguazhang circles and evades and Xingyi tends to not yield, blend, circle or evade it tends to smash straight through

Xingyi stability comes from Santi and its emphasis on it.

Bagua agility comes from the emphasis on circle walking.

Taiji tactics from as you say its yielding force(push hands?)

My teacher who is a Chen stylist does a good amount of focus on Silk reeling. He speaks alot on Bagua and Xingyi having silk reeling. Saying that though the Bagua masters may not speak much about silk reeling in Bagua it tends to be there. I think you can also see silk reeling in Xingyi 5 element form.
Tai Chi follows the path of the circle, Bagua changes the direction of the circle, while Xingyi cuts through the center of the circle. To that end, with tai chi, you become the circle (or sphere) with your opponent on the outer edge... with Bagua you are the outer edge of the circle with your opponent in the center. Xingyi, goes either way rolling through the circle from the outside in, or bustin' out from the inside.

Jiulong Baguazhang talks about and teaches much on the concept of Chan Ssu Jin, Coiling Energy.

It is an important concept that gets ignored by many.