Sumerize your sex life with a Star Wars quote


Master Black Belt
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Sapporo, Japan
Such as:

"Long ago in a galaxy far, far away....."

"You`re a little short for a storm trooper, aren`t you?"

"Who`s scruffy lookin`?"

"Tell Jabba he`ll get his money."

"She may not look like much, but she`s got it where it counts kid...I`ve made alot of special modifications myself."

You get the idea, knock yourself out.
"There's an awful lot of moisture in here"
I'm here to rescue you.
Thinking about one of my ex's....
"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought."

Something you never hear"Back door, huh? Good idea!"
"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."
"This little one's not worth the effort. Now come, let me get you something."
"Boy, it's lucky you have these compartments."
"I never knew I had it in me."

"She's gonna blow!"

"I think you'll fit in nicely."

"Rise, my friend."

"I must've hit it pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh kid?"
"Here's where the fun begins!"

Heh heh heh. Google is your fwiend!
Hello there. Come here, my little friend. Don't be afraid. Oh don't worry, he'll be alright.

Alright, come on. And the red one. Come on. Well, come on Red, let's go.

I sense something; a presence I've not felt since...

What're you lookin' at? I know what I'm doin'.

I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board.

This is *not* gonna work.
Why didn't you say so before?
I *did* say so before.

That doesn't sound too hard.

Here they come.
I got a problem here.
They're coming in too fast!
I can hold it.
Pull up!
No, I'm all right... ahhh!

Your powers are weak, old man.

Is there anything I can do?

You can go about your business.

What are you doing hiding back there?

I've just about had enough of you. Go that way. You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you near-sighted scrap pile. And don't let me catch you following me begging for help because you won't get it.

So... you got your reward and you're just leaving then?

No reward is worth this.
Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?

It's not my fault.

I want my lamp back. I'm gonna need it to get out of this slimy mudhole.

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