I don't disagree at all, although I am a little more forgiving of senior citizens and their "senior moments." She was 79, making $5k/year as a clerk in a retail store. I'm willing to give her a pass. There's a reason people argue for annual driving exams for seniors.
LOL...sure, I suppose a pass could be given.
Also, I hope it's clear that I agree she was careless. But the facts remain that in spite of her carelessness, a jury found McDs to be at fault. If it were a frivolous lawsuit, she wouldn't have won her case. Or is your faith in our system so low that you believe frivolous suits are not only heard in court, but won by undeserving plaintiffs?Actually, I've always wondered why fast food and healthy food have to be mutually exclusive? I like places like Baja Fresh, Chipotle and Panera. Subway's not too bad, although I don't like that all their meat is processed.
Like I said, I'm not saying McDonalds was free on blame. On the contrary, if in fact the coffee was hotter than the standard for restaurants (if there is a standard, I honestly dont know) then yes, they are part at fault. As I said above, we could chalk this to a Sr. moment, but IMO, that shouldnt take the full blame off of her. I mean if that was the case, then everyone over, say 60, would be exempt from any and all screw ups.
As for my faith in the system....no its not that high, because many times, the 'victim' should never have won in the first place. I'm sure we've both seen lists of crazy cases in which people won millions. I mean, are we so far gone as a society, that we can't take blame for our actions? That we instead, have to sue, because we were careless and are too proud to admit it? It should be a no brainer that in the dead of winter, the entry way to a store will be wet from the melting snow people track in, and despite the store putting up signs and having someone mop the floor, that it still may be wet, yet should I sue because I dont proceed with caution? I shouldn't sue McDonalds, because I choke on a bite of burger, when I was shoveling the food into my mouth so fast and not chewing enough before swallowing. Should I sue because the burger was too big? I'm sure some people would. LOL.
But you're right. White Castle is a BURGER joint. Embrace it. Love it. If I eat ice cream, I eat the real deal. I don't drink light beer. And when I want a burger, I want it to have a name like "slider" or "animal style."
LOL! Hey, I'm far from a perfect eater. But *I* take responsibility for what I eat. If I eat nothing but junk, its my fault. I'm not going to sue the burger joint because I gained 50lbs. The workers of the burger joint didn't hold a gun to my head and threaten my family if I didn't eat there. We as humans should be taking responsibility for our own actions. I know, I'm asking for alot here, but its the truth.