South Korea wins 2018 Olympic bid


Brown Belt
Oct 26, 2009
Reaction score
Houston, TX
The South Korean city of Pyeongchang was awarded the 2018 Winter Olympics on Wednesday after failing in two previous attempts. Pyeongchang defeated rivals Munich and Annecy, France, in the first round of a secret ballot of the International Olympic Committee.
Needing 48 votes for victory, Pyeongchang received 63 of the 95 votes cast. Munich received 25 and Annecy seven.
The Koreans had lost narrowly in previous bids for the 2010 and 2014 Olympics.
Pyeongchang will be the first city in Asia outside Japan to host the Winter Games. Japan held the games in Sapporo in 1972 and Nagano in 1998.
Korean delegates erupted in cheers in the conference hall after IOC President Jacques Rogge opened a sealed envelope and read the words: “The International Olympic Committee has the honor of announcing that the 23rd Olympic Winter Games in 2018 are awarded to the city of Pyeongchang.”

Congratulations, Korea.
30 years after they held the Summer Olympics, too

(Do they even have mountains there? and NO, do not look at my profile, I never heard of such a thing called Taekwondo, ever!!)
Yep there are mountains in South Korea. I was stationed there for a year. They were all over the place up by the border where we were at. Very beautiful scenery there.