Social Delima


Mon Mon

I am trying to be more social but I want to keep the art I do private. But how do you be more social in a city where your probably the only one who dose this art. I don't want people getting the wrong idea about the art or me. Any Suggestions
I guess it depends how you talk about it. Ninjutsu is nothing to be ashamed of. In my town we are very repressed by religous zealouts. I have to be touchy with the way I explain it but I never hide it.
I just get a kick of when ever the hicks here say, you wanna try some of that hu fluk chi hu on me? Ignorance is funny.
Unfortunatly though Hollywood has both been a best friend and worst enemy to the art. No doubts it helped birng popularity, but s screwed up image to the art itself. I have people wanting me to show them how to jump off a friggin 2 story building, and they are serious!! I tell them to use the stairs.
well if you want to get technical and factual based...we study Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu which is composed of 9 different schools of martial arts with only 3 of those schools actually being ninjutsu based. You do not have to mention the ninjustsu based etc..if you do not like!

I just tell people, I train in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. When they go "Huh?" I explain to them that the art is really a combination of 9 different schools that are taught as one collective. Ranging from karate-like strikes to more circular movements as in Aikido, to bone breaking strikes and jujitsu. (Notice that I compared to commonly known martial arts styles..)

That pretty muchs satisfies their curiosity and if they want more...I just tell them to go over to the dojo and watch a class. To understand what the art is..I believe people have to see and experience.


I agree with Deaf. I usually just tell them I study Budo Taijutsu and leave it at that. Most people aren't interested in hearing about it, they are just making small talk. If someone continues to show a genuine interest then I explain it further (i.e. the nine ryu-ha etc.)

I hardly ever have it come up in a conversation though. I don't say anything until I hear someone else talking about it. If they aren't discussing an art that would be familiar with us, then I don't even approach it.
I just say it's Budo Taijutsu... and the only real reason it ever seems to come up is because I have the Bujinkan Logo painted on the back of my Leather jacket...

Horrid Pic of it, but if you're curious...

Anyhow... ONE guy at work who was genuinely interested got into a long conversation with me and I mentioned the Ninpo aspects of the training... Well that went around the office... and I am officialy labled "The American Ninja"...

I also hate the fact that our art is a joke to the world, but whatever their opinion of it is... I believe in it's effectivness, despite the media hype so they can go take a flying leap... off of Bujingodai's two story building I hope. Heh.

Oh... er... I digress... So, it's overall not a bad conversation to have, but I do tend to just call it "a traditional japanese martial art" and leave it at that, when asked what Budo Taijutsu is...
Originally posted by Mon Mon
I am trying to be more social but I want to keep the art I do private. But how do you be more social in a city where your probably the only one who dose this art. I don't want people getting the wrong idea about the art or me. Any Suggestions

Depends on what your looking for.

Relationships are based on honesty. If people feel betrayed they'll leave you alone. The more honest you are the more people will respect you. Some will leave, but then they didn't "fit" anyway. Your relationship to them will grow,a nd you'll get some great freinds. But it's a hard road, and you'll get hurt; some people cant take honesty, cant take the things you do, but by time those that are back will be the ones that have a great time together with you.

If you wan tto take it in samll steps, just dont mention that you do Ninjitsu, until it's a direct question.

I used to say that I was going to the gym when I was with a group of friends - everyone assumed that I went to the gym for weights or running machines becuase that was something that I used to do during my lunch breaks.
that's interesting.........

Now what the heck are you talking about???? :eek:

lol just kidding, I'm guessing you clicked on "new post" and not "reply" Everyone does that at one point or other.

Welcome to the crowd.


Yep - sorry (well english is my second language after all :D :D )

I've merged the thread started by Pervaz into this one. Please correct me if I have merged it into the wrong thread.

-MT Admin-