So, How was the Pasadena Homecoming?

Originally posted by Old Fat Kenpoka
Yes, the IKKA does have a long hard road ahead if their goal is to reunite Kenpo leadership. It seems like the Pasadena Homecoming was a really positive step in the right direction by many of the people who need to be walking together down that long road.

Or those with "agendas" to see what is happening. :shrug:
Best of luck to them, however! :)
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
I'm glad everybody had a great time at the camp, but the IKKA is far from all the grand proclamations that we have all heard. There were a number of people suggesting that there would be a huge International testing board, a Honor Guard or whatever, and a bunch of other stuff. None of this has been established so to shout VICTORY because the homecoming seminars went okay, is a bit short sighted.

Don't get me wrong, I wish the IKKA the best of luck but they definately have a long, hard road ahead of them.

If I shouted Victory is was that the camp went off. Because if we go by the "evidence" there are no "Proclamations" and there were never intended to be any and this was just a camp that went off very well.

So Yeah!

If the IKKA makes an "announcement" then we'll have another Thread I think, but this one seems to be focused on the camp itself as just a "Homecoming Camp." Like the one Mr. Duffy held in 1994 here in Texas which also went very well.
Because if we go by the "evidence" there are no "Proclamations" and there were never intended to be any and this was just a camp that went off very well.

Mr. Hall

How can a Brown belt from Texas, who is not even a member of the IKKA, speak with any degree of authority on the INTENT of an entire association? Just a question.

We all saw the posts and that is what the opinions were based on. For those that didn't see them I will post the most relevant one below.
Posted by Kirk

IKKA Press Release posted on
IKKA Announces New Direction And Management,
Adds Benefits For Ed Parker Kenpo Community

COSTA MESA, Calif., June 16, 2003 — The International Kenpo Karate Association (IKKA), the world’s largest Kenpo karate organization and the only authorized association for Ed Parker Kenpo Karate, announced today new direction and management as it seeks to reunify and strengthen the Ed Parker Kenpo Karate community.

“It is our desire to preserve the foundation of the first American-born martial arts system, honor my father’s legacy and perpetuate Ed Parker Kenpo Karate,” explains Edmund Parker Jr., president and chairman, IKKA. “With our new structure and focus, we’re anticipating a very positive response across the United States and internationally.”

With determined ambitions, IKKA management is confident that the martial arts community will achieve greater objectives by working together. They invite all members to unite in order to reach common goals. The new IKKA plans are centered on providing beneficial business services, guidance and additional revenue sources to members of the Ed Parker Kenpo Karate community. For example, IKKA schools will receive exclusive IKKA publications, newsletters and merchandise and access to and discounts on training materials and events. A national advertising and referral system is designed to build interest and bring in new students.

The IKKA leadership will rely on a 30-member first generation international board of trustees, including most of the industry’s grandmasters; a 70-member international senior council, and more than 300 international honor guards. The following individuals will administer the IKKA management:

Edmund K. Parker, Jr., president and chairman, Board of Trustee-Leadership;
Marc Anthony, CEO, management;
Yvonne Parker-Altamirano, COO, management;
William Kongaika, executive vice president, management and member, Board of Trustee-Leadership; and
Sheri Parker-Kongaika, director, management

Upgraded daily operations include integration of state-of-the-art technology that will allow IKKA members to retrieve vast amounts of information online (i.e., school student bases, ranking status, membership and certification status, etc.). They also include a fortified infrastructure infused with significant financial base, national marketing efforts and community support networks to help revitalize the organization.

“It’s about time this happened,” adds William Kongaika. “People are ready to come back and be a part of the greater good. Our goal is to make it beneficial and easy for them to return to their roots.”

Senior grandmaster and 10th degree black belt, Ed Parker is the undisputed father of American Karate. Bringing the Chinese-based martial art form from his home in Hawaii to the mainland, Ed opened the first commercial Karate studio in Pasadena, California, in 1954. He established the IKKA in 1956 (then known as Kenpo Karate Association of America) and also created the now famous International Karate Championships, where Bruce Lee made his historic public premier. A scholar, teacher, author, master practitioner, innovator, actor, student, father, promoter and international leader, Mr. Parker revolutionized martial arts concepts and skills applications to fit modern needs through his cohesive mental, physical and spiritual approach to the art.

Though Parker’s American Kenpo system has since grown to over 2.5 million practitioners in every major US city and on nearly every continent, the IKKA has struggled since the death of its founder due to defections, internal politics and divisions. Yet the organization’s new management believes that the timing is right for reunification and that IKKA members are ready to come together for the greater good of the American Kenpo society.

“It was a growing period for all of us,” says Sherri Parker-Kongaika, Director and daughter of Ed Parker. “Now, we’re prepared to honor his legacy and work together to rebuild the larger Ed Parker Kenpo Karate family.”

“The only way that the Ed Parker Kenpo Karate community will have the success it has been aspiring is through reunification,” explains Yvonne Parker-Altamirano, COO and daughter of Ed Parker. “With the backing that we have, we’re in a position to achieve what smaller factions cannot.”

Founded by Ed Parker in 1964, the IKKA is the only authorized association for Ed Parker Kenpo Karate. It oversees a standard written curriculum, consistent training, and strict certification. Its goal is to build brotherhood and friendship. The IKKA exists to strengthen, perpetuate and evolve Kenpo through sound logic, concepts and principles. It is the world’s largest Karate association with hundreds of schools throughout the United States and over 20 countries. For additional information, please contact the IKKA at 714/371-4054 or at
The IKKA leadership will rely on a 30-member first generation international board of trustees, including most of the industry’s grandmasters; a 70-member international senior council, and more than 300 international honor guards. The following individuals will administer the IKKA management:

Most 1st generation guys can't agree with each other on how to do delayed sword. How much harder will it be to establish the requirements, regs., and all the other stuff required to run an organization? If their input is soliscited then there is definately potential for a problem. If their input is not soliscited then they are simply figure heads in an association trying to make a money on their mere presence.

I truly hope that the IKKA is on the UP and UP and if they are, I wish them the best of luck. However, the IKKA has a very real chance of turning into the most COMMERCIAL of commercial kenpo organizations (just using a phrase that someone else coined). Afterall, how many other Kenpo associations charge their individual members $120 a year just to be an association member (that's before school fees)?
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
Mr. Hall

How can a Brown belt from Texas, who is not even a member of the IKKA, speak with any degree of authority on the INTENT of an entire association? Just a question.

We all saw the posts and that is what the opinions were based on. For those that didn't see them I will post the most relevant one below.

Mr... Um-
You have me at a disadvantage, sir, you seem to have left your profile blank. Nevertheless I'll assume that you are a Sir and I'll refrain from calling you Mr. Yahoo.

a) I don't claim to speak with any degree of authority on the Intent of an entire association, I was repeating what the attendees, the first-person witnesses, those who were there, said/reported/passed along, but by your own logic any Brown Belt from Texas with a real name and 20 years in the art must have more credibility on several issues than an unnamed Black Belt from somewhere in the United States;

b) I had forgotten about that press-release but it was the impetus for my several recent posts on this thread about "so where are all the announcements" to paraphrase myself;

c) based on the recent posts about how everyone had so much fun and there was apparently no mention of the Press Release or its implications, or any new "proclamations" being made at the banquet, I wanted to reiterate my support for such a great idea;

d) I seem to agree with you that it is odd that the Press Release has drifted into obscurity and does not appear on the IKKA's own website;

e) I hope you are not here on MartialTalk with no information in your profile representing yourself only as a Kenpo Black Belt in the AKKI solely for the purpose of being negative. I doubt it. I'm not going to read all your posts but I doubt that this is the case. We probably only have some type of misunderstanding;

f) I hope this thread very quickly gets back to being a celebration of Kenpo and does not divert to another direction. Everyone at the event had a great time. As I've said many times already, I hope that I can have such an experience at the Pasadena studio one day myself. PM me if you want to. I don't look forward to having a protracted disagreement here in public unless I think it might somehow have significant benefit for someone else;

Again, I'm sorry to have "set you off." It is very likely that no matter what I wrote someone could have been irritated by it. Oddly, it is also the case that some people get irritated when people merely speak an opinion. I'll try to be more careful in the future, thanks for letting me know that I may have overstepped my bounds.
I agree with Mr. Hall: Judging by everything I've read about the homecoming, it was a positive event. This should be a positive thread about a positive event. If someone wants to revive the discussion about the IKKA press release of many weeks ago, then they should do so on that thread.
I can only agree to cdhall, I don't understand what this fuss is about. Here are people sharing their thoughts about an incredible event, and Mr. Kenpo Yahoo ( I assume Mr) has nothing better to do, then to throw in negative thoughts and politics. Have you been at the camp ?? No ! Have you talked to any of the people involved with the IKKA ? I guess no ! So why don't you base your judgment on facts. And this article you posted was released by a PR person. And by the way, change does not happen overnight.

But I guess you have your own association running with thousands of members and everything is working perfectly fine. Uuh, one thing, if this whole concept totally sucks, as you like to point out the whole time, I am suprised that more and more seniors and other people are coming back ?

I find it interesting that you say that you wish the IKKA all the best but you don't have anything positive to say about the IKKA or their changes. Why don't you just sit back and watch what happens and let the people who are involved do their job instead of throwing out presumptions.

Why is it a mortal sin all of the sudden to speak of the IKKA and
say "hey .. when are you gonna clue in the kenpoists as to what's
going on?"
On the contrary, I am not irritated, agitated, aggravated or any other words you can think of.

I hope you are not here on MartialTalk with no information in your profile representing yourself only as a Kenpo Black Belt in the AKKI solely for the purpose of being negative. I doubt it. I'm not going to read all your posts but I doubt that this is the case. We probably only have some type of misunderstanding;

The purpose of a forum is to discuss various topics. I have not been negative, I have simply offered up my analysis based on the information that was presented; it should also be noted that I am not the only one of this opinion.

I am glad that the Homecoming Seminars went so well. I agree that the politics drain the life from otherwise good experiences, however politics are here to stay, learn to deal with it.

Posted by OFK:
I agree with Mr. Hall: Judging by everything I've read about the homecoming, it was a positive event. This should be a positive thread about a positive event. If someone wants to revive the discussion about the IKKA press release of many weeks ago, then they should do so on that thread.
Posted by CDHALL:
P.S. By the way, where are all the naysayers that were here last month talking about what a disaster this was going to be?

OFK as you can see I was simply responding to Mr. Halls question.

Good Luck to you Mr. Hall and Good Luck to the IKKA
Originally posted by Kirk
Why is it a mortal sin all of the sudden to speak of the IKKA and
say "hey .. when are you gonna clue in the kenpoists as to what's
going on?"

heer heer!!

I was under the impression that the IKKA would be telling people about all the "Big Changes" going on in the organization, seemed like the logical place to do it. That's why I voiced my surprise when no one came on and questioned it.

I get the impression people assumed anyone that was inquiring was trying to put the organization down, which I don't believe is true. I wasn't trying to put a damper on anything, I was just curious because I for one would like to know what these changes are before I decide and fork out quite a bit of money, to join the organization. :idunno:

Sorry if I treaded on anyones sensitive toes. :(

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
heer heer!!

I was under the impression that the IKKA would be telling people about all the "Big Changes" going on in the organization, seemed like the logical place to do it. That's why I voiced my surprise when no one came on and questioned it.

Kirk, or KenpoYahoo:

Do us a favor and start a new thread with the Press Release or something so we can go speculate over there. I already got into trouble for speculating over here so it would be better for me if the "rebirth of the IKKA" stuff was on another thread.

I am just asking one of you so I don't seem like I'm banishing anyone, forcing the discussion off the thread, or creating a "kiddie table" at dinner, otherwise I could probably make a new thread myself.

I think people will be less likely to misinterpret questions as criticisms (like maybe even I myself did) if the context of the discussion were in a new thread designed for that purpose.

What do you think? I could reformulate my original question over there as well if you want to start such a thread.
Originally posted by Kirk
More pics are up on the IKKA website. Click here!

cool...:D , but somethin' about this one just ain't right...:confused:

Originally posted by Kirk
More pics are up on the IKKA website. Click here!

Outstanding! But how did you find it? I went through their site from the front door and could not find a way to these pages.

Did someone give you the link directly? I don't understand why, knowing how much interest there must be, they don't put more stuff directly on their site or make it more accessible. :(

But that is for that other Thread. :D Carry on with the photos. :asian:
Great pics by the Goldendragon, but he didn't come out. What is he, camera shy?:confused:

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