Signs of Spring


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
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Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
It's been absolutely glorious weather-wise around here :) Spring officially arrives March 20th..

What signs of Spring have you seen?

We have Daffodils coming up, trees are starting to bud out~! It was in the 70s the other day and course some rainshowers.
Robin's have been sighted as well as many flocks of geese flying in their V formations (though think many of them live around here year round anymore)
Road kill :( Possums, Raccoons, rabbits, and deer *sniffs*
the Good ole Woodchucks (I call them Mugwumps *G*)
And of course the biggest sign of spring.. People out of their houses and the influx of energy to 'do something.'

Signs of spring? Are you mad! It was about 10 degrees this morning.

Ok, but seriously, the dark-eyed juncos started their migration about 3 weeks ago, and the numbers of geese are certainly increasing, I saw several northern pintail yesterday. The biggest sign of all is that the river is thawing out.... I suspect I'm a little farther from spring than you are.

The river opening up:


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    $triple islands ice dam2 shrunk.jpg
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Signs of spring around here have been me going to work without a jacket, birds chirping at 3 a.m., folks standing outside of the dojo before class talking instead of cramming into the waiting area and last but not wife nagging me to rebuild the doorframe on the kitchen door so we can put up a screen door. I'd just about rebuild the entire house to get rid of winter though. Can't stand cold weather.

Yaaaaaaay spring!!! :partyon:
Signs of spring in chicago.

Its still hasnt gotten over 40 here and its March.

We still have snow fall expected.

We will prob get snow fall in May.

We have been having some fun weather lately. It gets above 32 and rains then goes back down and freezes the rain coats cars into ice sickles. lol

Chicago Green Dragon


KenpoTess said:
It's been absolutely glorious weather-wise around here :) Spring officially arrives March 20th..

What signs of Spring have you seen?

We have Daffodils coming up, trees are starting to bud out~! It was in the 70s the other day and course some rainshowers.
Robin's have been sighted as well as many flocks of geese flying in their V formations (though think many of them live around here year round anymore)
Road kill :( Possums, Raccoons, rabbits, and deer *sniffs*
the Good ole Woodchucks (I call them Mugwumps *G*)
And of course the biggest sign of spring.. People out of their houses and the influx of energy to 'do something.'

Lots of robins and warblers in the yard, some flowers blossoming in the orchards and also in our and neighbors yards, lots of rain followed by gorgeous sunny days. Being able to get out and hike again. Hearing geese at night.......ah yes.......Spring has almost sprung!! I love this time of year!!

:asian: :karate:
Robins and other birds singing and returning to the environment.

The Canadian Geese going home, i.e. flying north :) and East ;)

No snow on the ground, people riding motorcycles in the 40's F
I'm in there w/ Tess, but also the spring peepers are out and singing!
..they's lots of little frogs that "peep" in the's nice to sit out when it's cool, but not cold, and listen to them!
...but we make those noises year round, too...*fused*
The snow is nearly all melted up here, except for the big snow drifts and hills that the plows created. They'll take a while to melt away. No Robins yet, did see a squirel sniffin' around for hidden treasure.

We actually hit double digits on the PLUS side of the Thermometre today. :boing2: Can't wait for things to warm up even more.

KenpoGirl said:
The snow is nearly all melted up here, except for the big snow drifts and hills that the plows created. They'll take a while to melt away. No Robins yet, did see a squirel sniffin' around for hidden treasure.

We actually hit double digits on the PLUS side of the Thermometre today. :boing2: Can't wait for things to warm up even more.


And for all of us Southerners, she is measuring in Degrees C ;)
I saw a robin a few days ago. That's when I REALLY knew Spring was coming.

Plus there are hordes of geese that have been flying everywhere around here. It's a hard month to be a car without a garage.

*can't wait to hear the froggies peep!* :D
Rich Parsons said:
And for all of us Southerners, she is measuring in Degrees C ;)
Doesn't everyone???? :idunno: Oh yah you non conformists are still doing it the easy way. ;)

BTW another sighn of Spring...... Road Kill, lots and lots of roadkill.
All those sleepy animals forgetting to look both ways before they cross the street. :wah:

There seem to be an awful lot of cats and skunks that line our roads. Ah dunno if people are neglecting to let their kitties in on these warmer days, or if people are just driving faster.

I don't see many dogs, though. Squirrels are still pretty common, but that's only because they keep licking the salt/moisture from the asphalt and forgetting to dodge. Crazy rodents. :(
Signs of spring...hmmm. Lots of skunks on the side of the road (which I could live without) and me able to work without a coat (which I am happy about).
*waves to Malia..(Mæzarin?) Glad you found us *G*
Introduces Mæzarin to all .. Yep.. yet another of our group~! :D


Spring brings the stupidity out in people methinks.. released from their winter hibernation.. ya see them wearing some pretty strange getups.. and doing some very strange things~!

Do tell what you've spotted that you find 'stupid behavior*
Mæzarin™ said:
There seem to be an awful lot of cats and skunks that line our roads. Ah dunno if people are neglecting to let their kitties in on these warmer days, or if people are just driving faster.

I don't see many dogs, though. Squirrels are still pretty common, but that's only because they keep licking the salt/moisture from the asphalt and forgetting to dodge. Crazy rodents. :(

Yep...them darn squirrels!

*waves* hi malia! i like yer icon!
Yup here in NY, we are warm ..... well for this time of year, that is. It been between 50 and 60 during the day. Snow is almost gone. I saw a Robin yesterday when I was driving to the dojang (for work).

Wednsday, I have to tell ya something funny. I really hate cold weather. Anyways, I went to day class, and it was nice outside. I kind wish I was outside. Then when we were bowing out, I heard geese flying over. I yelled GEESE!!!! SPRING IS COMING!!! LOL. Everyone started laughing at me.
Plenty of road kill down here too. It's not always the car hittin' the animal, though. My wifes best friend called the house night before last to say that she was in a ditch after being broadsided by a white tail deer. Crushed the drivers door in and banged up the right rear door. Eight point buck just came out of "nowhere", slammed into the side of the car, rolled down the road a little ways, stood up, shook himself off and stumbled into the woods. He probably died the same night. Tina's friend wound up with torn ligaments in here neck, a severe sprain in the neck and a few thousand dollars worth of damage to the car. Dang white tails are really overrunning the place.
I saw a woman in a halter top yesterday...does that count?

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